Media and Communication Manager job at KQ Hub Africa
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766 Days Ago
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Vacancy title:
Media and Communication Manager

[ Type: FULL TIME , Industry: Nonprofit, and NGO , Category: Management ]

Jobs at:

KQ Hub Africa

Deadline of this Job:
28 February 2023  

Duty Station:
Within Uganda , Kampala , East Africa

Date Posted: Monday, January 30, 2023 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed

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KQ Hub Africa jobs in Uganda


Your role will entail

1. Write and optimize content for the website, digital newsletters, print publications and social networking sites.
2. Ensure consistency in terms of voice, branding, messaging and frequency of posting via digital channels.
3. Handle media enquiries and create effective news releases to gain positive press coverage
4. Develop and deliver well-executed and effective campaigns on our social media handles
5. To develop working relationships with key internal and external stakeholders and partners.
6. Use project planning techniques to deliver projects and actively manage project budgets
7. Prepare reports for the management team, including recommendations to ensure a more positive attitude
8. Update the website with organization activities and relevant information.
9. Regularly meet and arrange interviews with media personnel
10. Ensure that all marketing and communications material align with the brand’s standards
11. Maintain digital media archives (photos, videos)
12. Act as a spokesperson for the organization
13. Prepare and manage the organization’s budget regarding communication
14. Arrange news conferences for essential announcements
15. Perform media outreach ie Field trips
16. Work closely with marketing and product managers, designers, and website managers to collect information
17. Other duties as they a raise.

Personal Specifications
1. A bachelor’s degree in preferably communications, journalism or other related field.
2. A good strategist with prior experience in developing communication strategies and plans
3. A Good Understanding of content creation/management using popular social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Canva, Pinterest etc
4. Must be resourceful and take initiative even when given minimal direction.
5. Prior experience creating digital content and managing communications campaigns.
6. Good understanding of website development and management
7. Possess strong writing and analytical skills; and be able to compose engaging and accurate content.

Job Experience: No Requirements

Work Hours: 8

Level of Education:
Bachelor Degree

Job application procedure

If you would like to apply for any of the above job, please send us:
A CV – which should detail your key skills, employment or voluntary experience relevant to this role, including responsibilities held and relevant education or vocational training. Please include two referees, one of which should be your current or most recent employer or someone else who has worked with you in a capacity relevant to this role. They will not be approached until after the interviews and with permission from you.
A cover letter (2 pages of A4 max) – telling us why you are interested in this position, how your skills and experience meet the needs of the role and any support or development you require to be successful in the position.
Please send your documents to our Human Resource Manager at  with the subject header Mentioning the job you are applying for and your full name.
For example, “Media and Communications Manager – Jon Doe”
KQ Hub Africa is committed to building and maintaining a diverse staff and a welcoming workplace for all.

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Job Info
Job Category: Management jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 28 February 2023
Duty Station: Kampala
Posted: 30-01-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 30-01-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 24-01-2066
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