Sustainable Agriculture Trainers Network ( SATNET )
Sustainable Agriculture Trainers Network ( SATNET )
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About Us

SATNET is a network of 47 NGOs and CBOs promoting and training farmers in sustainable agriculture and natural resource management in the five districts of the Rwenzori Region (Kabarole, Kyenjojo, Kamwenge, Kasese and Bundibugyo). SATNET envisions an empowered, gender responsive society in a bio-diverse environment. And the mission is to improve livelihoods of the farming community through capacity building of member organizations and their trainers, advocacy, networking, research, on sustainable and organic agriculture production and marketing systems. SATNET builds the capacity of her member organizations through trainings, information documentation and dissemination, lobbying and advocacy activities on policies affecting small holder farmers, training to ensure mainstreaming of cross cutting issues HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Gender in sustainable agriculture programs and support to development of agribusiness initiatives and marketing associations developed by farmers in the region. SATNET strengthens the capacity of her member organisations through training and providing support services designed to strengthen their Organisational and trainers capabilities to effect empower farmers with skills and appropriate technologies to improve their livelihoods.

AgriProFocus transitioned to Netherlands Food Partnership

In 2020 AgriProFocus and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform transitioned into Netherlands Food Partnership, initiated from the Dutch Ministerial level and operational as of January 1st 2021. Netherlands Food Partnership enables powerful collaboration between relevant Dutch organisations and international partners to achieve urgent changes that contribute to sustainable food systems and nutrition security and reach SDG2 by 2030. 

Fifteen years AgriProFocus: Collective Impact

AgriProFocus was established in 2005 as a multi-stakeholder initiative to promote agriculture in Dutch development policy and to organise a network approach to link and learn between stakeholders. In its origin AgriProFocus was a Netherlands-based initiative bringing together organisations working to enhance the role and plight of organised producers in developing countries. To connect members and partners for joint action, the AgriProFocus members decided to develop a country approach from 2009 onwards: in the course of the years country network action was developed in 10 African and 2 Asian countries.

The AgriProFocus experiences show how multi-stakeholder collaboration in the agrifood sector can lead to more than the sum of its parts.

This reflective review report captures the results of a reflective review organized at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) to discover the significance of AgriProFocus for its stakeholders and their combined efforts and to draw lessons that can be used for the NFP and other relevant initiatives.

Experiences captured in a colourful magazine

The experiences of working in a network have been captured in a colourful magazine presenting the highlights of the network themes and of the work in the twelve AgriProFocus country networks in Africa and Asia. This digital magazine has 44 pages of highlights and can be downloaded here. You can navigate by clicking. Enjoy the read!

Company Information
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