As we face the largest reversal of human development on record, we are leading on the ambition of transforming food systems and landscapes, meeting the challenge of ensuring access to nutritious food, while addressing climate change, maintaining and improving our environment at the same time.
Since January 2020, the Alliance has operated to deliver our consolidated Strategy 2020-25 for Accelerated Change.
With research-based, holistic solutions that harness agricultural biodiversity and sustainably transform the entire food systems cycle, our work is tangibly improving people’s lives in a climate crisis.
We are uniquely well fit to build on the promise of a more sustainable future, leading change and working together with key partners at local, national, regional, and global levels – from indigenous communities and civil society organizations to large corporations, academic institutions, and international organizations such as FAO, IFAD, WFP.
The Alliance is an integral part of the CGIAR system and actively engaged in One CGIAR, supporting with our work the coordinated actions that it delivers.
The Alliance’s work also supports the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Global Biodiversity Targets, the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement, and the Bonn Challenge, among other international initiatives.