Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board ( UBTEB )
Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board ( UBTEB )


A Centre of excellence for Competence based assessment, Examinations and Awards

To conduct competence based assessment and examinations and issue awards for business, technical, vocational and other specialized training

We are guided by the following core values in pursuit of our mandate
• Integrity
• Confidentiality
• Professionalism
• Team work
• Transparency
• Accountability

Our Mandate
The UBTEB is mandated to streamline, regulate and coordinate examinations and awards in the Business and Technical profession in Uganda by Statutory Instrument No. 9 of 2009. The UBTEB Regulations 2009, Statutory Instrument No. 9 operationalises the BTVET Act, 2008 that provides for the promotion and coordination of BTVET; the principles governing BTVET; the establishment of the Institutional framework for the promotion and coordination of BTVET; the establishment of the Uganda Qualifications framework and the financing of BTVET and for other related matters.

The UBTEB has the following specific powers;
Acquire, hold, charge, alienate and dispose of property both moveable and immoveable
Carry out any improvement upon land or other property held by it
Derive capital or income property held by it
Invest any money not immediately required in any investment or project approved by the Minister
Enter into agreements with any person or body
Raise or borrow money in such manner and upon such security as it may from time to time determine
Delegate any of its powers and functions other than the approval of estimates or any powers required under these regulations to be exercised by resolution of the Board, to any member, officer or committee of the Board as it may deem necessary.


Company Information
Contact Name: Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board ( UBTEB )
Contact Email: |
Contact Phone: 0392 002468 / +256 414 289786 / +256 414289787
Contact Fax:
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Address1: Plot 7, Valley Drive, Ntinda