Amani Sasa
Amani Sasa
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About Us

Missy and Francis Angalla are the co-directors of Amani Sasa. 

Francis is originally from Uganda. He is a gifted musician and teacher.  He has 12+ years teaching music and doing worship leader training among various churches in Uganda. Francis has been working with refugees since 2011. Over the years in serving, Francis has been impacted by the courage and resilience of refugees. He loves mentoring young men at risk and teaching music and skills in order for them to be empowered to live into their God given potential. 

Missy is originally from Florida. She is a graduate of Wesleyan College and McAfee School of Theology. She first came to Uganda in 2010 as a student intern where she served for 9 months between 2010-2012. While serving, she felt God prompting her to start programs to minister among the most vulnerable refugees in Kampala, who didn't have access to vital services that they needed in order to experience healing and transformation. In 2012, she was commissioned as a field personnel with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. She has lived and served in Uganda since 2013. 

Together, they minister and love refugees and staff through Amani Sasa's ministry programs in Uganda. They have a  passion for seeing people experience the power of God's love, hope and transformation.

Our Staff

Amani Sasa seeks to be empowering in all aspects of their ministry programs. Thus, as a principle of the organization we seek to invest deeply in Ugandan and refugee staff who make up almost all of the Amani Sasa staff. They are a diverse group who share a passion to serve and minister among the most vulnerable refugees in Kampala.

Our Mission:




Amani Sasa loves our refugee neighbors by offering them safety, wholeness and empowerment to live out their God-given purpose.

Our Work

Amani Sasa ministers to vulnerable refugees and their families who are traumatized, abused, trafficked and/or vulnerable to exploitation in Uganda. The ministry includes emergency services, counseling, group therapy and support groups for refugees. Amani Sasa also has in depth trauma healing and empowerment programs for young mothers, women, men and children at risk.

Our Impact

Amani Sasa started with the goal of providing holistic opportunities for refugees to experience God’s healing and transformation. It is a robust and holistic ministry program serving hundreds of people each year.

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Since : 01-01-2013
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