Edukans Education Services
Edukans Education Services
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About Edukans

Edukans is an international NGO with headquarters in the Netherlands and country offices in Malawi, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. We provide marginalised children and youngsters around the world with basic education and vocational training. We focus on four key themes: quality basic education, vocational education, education in emergencies and equal opportunities for boys and girls.

Edukans Group

The Edukans Group consists of Edukans International and five strong independent strategic partners. Each partner within the Edukans Group is committed to the shared mission:

“Worldwide, we are creating opportunities enabling children and young people to shape their futures with confidence.”

The Edukans Group consists of:

Ethiopia: Edukans Foundation and Development Expertise Center (DEC)

The Netherlands: Edukans Foundation (Edukans)

Uganda: Edukans Foundation and Education Local Expertise Center Uganda (Elecu)

Malawi: Edukans Foundation and Education Expertise Development Foundation (EEDF)

Ghana: Savana Signatures (SavSign)


Edukans in Uganda
Edukans' Mission in Uganda

Edukans’mission in Uganda seeks to strengthen existing programmes to achieve positive learning outcomes for students and so provide skills relevant to their employability in the country, so that they can build their own futures and those of generations to come.

In Uganda, Edukans is locally registered as Edukans Education Services (as an NGO and Ltd under Guarantee).
Quality basic education
Vocational skills training

Edukans’ Goal in Uganda
Our aim is to strenghten the capacity of education and skills providers (public and private) to deliver dynamic, relevant, inclusive and safe quality education for Ugandan children, and training in other essential skills required by young people so as to achieve positive learning outcomes and productive employment.
Education challenge

Address the issue of Pupil retention and learning continuity: only 3 out of 10 pupils who enter P1 are reaching the final grade.
Uganda’s primary school survival rate is the second lowest among its neighbouring countries in the Sub-Sahara African Region.
Address the issue of Teacher competence.
Effect of Covid on learning loss: the risk of increased attrition rate due to teachers and pupils missing school and leaving education and lack of relevant skills to meaningfully support learners to cope with the shock and stresses from COVID 19.
Mismatch of skills for the labour market and lack of transferable skills.


Company Information
Contact Name: Edukans Education Services
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