Evidence Frontiers
Evidence Frontiers
Location : Email : info@evidencefrontiers.com
Annual Outcome Evaluation of the Boost Community Platform
We are glad to be engaged by the Sabin Vaccine Initiative to conduct an Annual Outcome Evaluation of the Boost Community Platform

Founded in 2002, we have continued to partner with like-minded organisations in advancing Social Impact in Africa.
Evidence Frontiers is an African-based sustainable development management consulting firm. We provide Monitoring, Evaluation, Strategic Planning, and Capacity building services to advance development effectiveness in Africa. We have supported development organisations, policy makers, and managers to make socially impactful decisions using rigorous evidence.

More about us
What We Do
Advocacy Strengthening
Formative & Summative Evaluations
Third Party Monitoring and Evaluation
Organisation & Capacity Development
Science, Technology, and Innovations
We pride ourselves as the only organisation in Africa with a focus in strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Advocacy practice. With a staff base of over 50 M&E for Advocacy practitioners in Africa, our niche is to continue building a strong community of practice in advocacy through research, evaluation, training, and production/publication of evidence-based advocacy knowledge products generated by local technical providers. Through our knowledge exchange platforms, our aim is to continue linking M&E for Advocacy practitioners to the relevant and contextualised advocacy resources so as to improve advocacy practice in Africa.

Evidence Frontiers is an African-based sustainable development management consulting firm. We provide Monitoring, Evaluation, Strategic Planning, and Capacity building services to advance development effectiveness in Africa. We have supported development organisations, policy makers, and managers to make socially impactful decisions using rigorous evidence

Evidence Frontiers actively seek a diversity of partners, not only because we want to deliver the best outcomes, but because we want to learn from different perspectives and new experiences; and because partnership is at the heart of the way we work.

Our partners include all those that we work with to deliver our projects, including our associates, contractors and suppliers, private sector companies including businesses and banking institutions, academics and academic institutions, and charities and international non-governmental organisations.

We strive to foster trust and respect in our relationships with partners, acting collaboratively with honesty and responsibility, and ensuring that a shared dedication to impact is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity and aim to create a culture of openness and accountability in all our work. We know that the stronger our collaborations are with other individuals and organisations, across the public and private sectors, the bigger the likely impact of our work. It allows us to deepen our understanding, benefit from diversity of experience, and develop long-term, respected relationships that support knowledge sharing and increase capacity.
Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: info@evidencefrontiers.com
Contact Phone: +254 (0) 755 897 633
Contact Fax: +254 (0) 721 943 008
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Address1: Westlands Office Park