Kyenjojo District Service Commission
Kyenjojo District Service Commission
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Kyenjojo District was established on 28th November 2000 being curved out of Kabarole District and later gave birth to Kyegegwa District on 22nd December 2009. Administratively, the district has one county (Mwenge) and three constituencies (Mwenge North, Mwenge Central and Mwenge South), 18 sub counties, 9 Town Councils, 109 parishes, 47 wards and 853 villages.
The District boarders with Kibaale in the North, Kyegegwa in the East, Kamwenge in the South west, and Kabarole in the West and it is located in the mid-western at approximately 250Kms from Kampala City.

Vision & Mission

District Vision, Mission Strategic Objectives and Priorities.
District Vision: A Healthy, Productive and prosperous population.

District Mission: To achieve sustainable social economic development for the people of Kyenjojo in conformity with national and local priorities.

Our mission will be achieved through strict observation of the laws of Uganda; implementation of the National and District Council Policies and programs, enactment and implementation of Council Ordinances and regulations; drawing and implementation of action plans at all administrative levels.

District Goal: To efficiently and effectively provide quality services to the population of Kyenjojo District.

Kyenjojo District Council still continues to pursue the following major objectives.

Strategic Objectives
• To provide improved infrastructure facilities
• To improve academic standards in primary schools.
• To provide accessible health services to the people of the district.
• To ensure increased food security and household income levels in the district.
• To improve community mobilization and improve functional Adult Literacy services in the district.
• To protect and conserve natural resources for sustainable development in the district.
• To promote good governance in the district.
• To Promote Agriculture commercialization.
• To enhance and promote private sector development
• To intensify HIV/AIDS and home based care programmes.

Priority Areas for the District include the following:
The District shall prioritize the following services
• Education (primary) and sports
• Primary Health Care
• Production and Environmental Protection
• Works and Infrastructure
• Water and Sanitation
• Functional Adult Literacy
• Security and Disaster Management
• Vulnerable and the Special Interest Groups


Company Information
Contact Name: Kyenjojo District Service Commission
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256-2-612244
Contact Fax:
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Address1: P.O Box 01, Kyenjojo