Acacia Foundation Ltd
Acacia Foundation Ltd
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Our Story Starts and Ends with Recycling Plastic for Sustainable Communities

We fell in love with recycling plastic and its impact to the environment and livelihoods of communities in Uganda. About 600 tons of plastic are consumed daily and disposed of improperly in Uganda alone. 

Close to 51% of the uncollected plastic in Kampala has resulted in the clogging of sewers. Only less than 5% of plastics in Uganda get recycled. It takes approximately 450 years for plastic to decompose. 

As an alternative, most people have resorted to burning them, which leads to a release of harmful toxins in the air.

Validating Our Existence

Birthed in Uganda, Acacia Foundation was created to become a solution to the plastic menace by recycling plastic bottles in Uganda. 

We have worked to educate Ugandans about the value of plastic bottles and why it is important to recycle them. We work closely with local municipalities to collect and purchase plastic bottles which are considered waste. 

We then process these bottles into raw material that can be used to produce clothing as well as household products.

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