European Union Delegation to Uganda
European Union Delegation to Uganda

About the EU Delegation to Uganda

What we do

Our website is designed primarily to inform Ugandan citizens about the European Union's Delegation activities in Uganda and in the Great Lakes Region. It also offers many linkages to other activities and presence of the EU in the world. Our work in Uganda is closely coordinated with our Member States particularly those having an Embassy or office in Uganda.

The EU Delegation assumes the local Presidency of the EU in Uganda. It means that we are tasked with speaking on behalf the EU in Uganda, reflecting common EU positions and spearheading EU values on Human Rights, Governance and Democracy.

The European External Action Service (EEAS) assists the VP/HR to fully carry out his mandate as defined in the EU Treaty. The EU Delegation also plays a supportive role as regards diplomatic and consular protection of the Union's citizens in Uganda.

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256 312-701 000
Contact Fax: +256 414-233 708
Since :
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Address1: Crested Towers Building, 15th Floor, Plot 17-23, Hannington Road, P.O.BOX 5244, Kampala Uganda