Office Of The President
Office Of The President
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About Office of the President
Article 99 (3) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda vests the Executive Authority in the President and he is responsible for the welfare of the citizens and safeguards the Constitution and Laws of Uganda, among others. It is from this that Office of the President derives its mandate of providing leadership in public Policy management and good governance.

Mission of the presidency
“To provide Leadership in Public Policy Management and Good Governance for National Development”

Vision of the presidency
“A Secure, Well Governed and Developed Nation”

Functional Objectives of the Presidency
Ensuring that Government Policies, Programs and Projects are adequately monitored and evaluated;
Promoting good governance in public institutions and civil society;
Providing overall leadership of the state and better service delivery and job creation in line with the Government NRM Manifesto 2011-2016;
Providing regional and international relations for purposes of Social and Economic gains, and the creation of investment opportunities; and
Supporting the development of Policy capacity across Government.

The President of Uganda is provided for under Article 98 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. The mandate of the President is provided for under Article 99 of the Constitution where all Executive Authority in Uganda is vested in the President. Article 108 of the constitution also provides for H.E the Vice President.

The institution of State House facilitates and supports the President, The Vice President and their families while the private offices in particular provide the official linkages with government, the foreign diplomats and the general public.

The mandate of State House is to provide at all times, support to the Presidency in order to facilitate effective and efficient performance of its constitutional and administrative responsibilities as well as to cater for the welfare and security of H.E the President, H.E the Vice President and that of their families.
Company Information
Contact Name: Office Of The President
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 254881/6, /343926
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Address1: Apollo Kaggwa Rd, P.O.Box 7168, Kampala, Uganda.