Community Consortium Uganda (CCU)
Community Consortium Uganda (CCU)


Our Values
We Value A Holistic Approach to the Person
We agree. And we know that healing doesn’t just address only the soul or only the body. It is important to us that all facets and needs of the human condition are met as we seek to partner with and equip the poor to rise above poverty and find healing.

We Value Sustainability
Our desire is to equip those endeavors of the Ugandan people that will endure and bring broad change for generations. This means we are in it for the long haul and aren’t here to offer band-aid fixes to deep rooted issues. We love the people we serve, and plan to walk alongside them for as long as it takes.

We Value Peace
We desire to work for peace in all spheres of civil and social life. We are about reconciling those who have acted out in violence against each other.

We Value Partnership
We are not top-down leaders. We are bottom-up equippers. We exist to partner with the people of Uganda and support them by providing the out-of-reach resources they need to heal their country.

Company Information
Contact Name: Community Consortium Uganda (CCU)
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Address1: Plot 787 Block 414 Kawuku Wakiso District P. O Box 22042 Kampala-Uganda