International Trade Centre
International Trade Centre
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About us
ITC puts trade-led growth at the centre of its work in developing countries

Practical support for trade-led business
The world faces monumental economic challenges, with the most vulnerable battered by social and economic instability. We at ITC are working to change this through trade for good.

We offer small businesses, policymakers and business support organizations in developing countries an array of trade-related practical training, advisory services, and a wealth of business intelligence data.

We help micro, small and medium-sized businesses become more competitive and help to create better regulatory environments for trade.

We are empowering women, youth and refugees through jobs. Through our programmes, projects, services and data, we are helping drive digital connectivity and a global transition to green, sustainable trade.Our Work


Our work is focused on topics with the greatest potential to achieve the UN global goals of increased prosperity, inclusiveness, and sustainability in developing countries, especially Least Developed Countries. Explore our topic areas in more detail.

Topics from A-Z
Food and agriculture
Goods and services
Business environment
Business performance
Inclusive trade
Impact areas and core services

To respond to trade development environment priorities and to maximize the contribution of MSME competitiveness to inclusion, sustainability and prosperity, ITC work focuses on five impact areas fully exploiting its technical expertise in four core services, and blending this expertise with specific tools and approaches.

Value chains
Inclusive trade
Green trade
Regional integration
Core services
Clients and partners

Our clients are micro, small and medium- sized enterprises, business support organizations and policymakers around the world. We engage with funders and partners around the world through customized engagement strategies based on complementary expertise and common value propositions.

Together, we work to improve trade competitiveness, reduce poverty, and strengthen economies.

Priority Groups
Regions and countries

The work of ITC is global and prioritizes project implementation in Least developed countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, Small Island Developing States, Sub-Saharan Africa, post conflict and fragile states.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: (41-22) 730 01 11
Contact Fax: (41-22) 733 44 39
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Address1: One UN Plaza 24th Floor, Suite 2480 New York, NY, 10017 United States of America