Children of the World Foundation ( COW Foundation )
Children of the World Foundation ( COW Foundation )
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Our Vision : A world where children develop their full potential. Mission:To create and promote an enabling environment for OVC adequate care, protection and holistic support.  

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Who We are
What we do
Board Members

Children of the World Foundation. (C.O.W. Foundation) is a registered indigenous orphans and vulnerable children�s charity organization founded in 2005 established in 2006. The Secretary Non government Organaztion Board Of Uganda, dully registered it under Reg No.s.5914/6450 and in Kitgum under Reg No KINFO/133/�06.The overall goal is to offer support and care that will improve the quality of life of orphans and vulnerable children especially those affected by HIV/AIDS and trauma (all forms of child abuse and civil strive). This will mitigate impacts on them, in areas of our operation from a comparative dimension.

Our vision

A world where children grow and develop their full potential.

Our mission

We create and promote an enabling environment in which orphans and other children made vulnerable are adequately protected, cared for and supported holistically.


  1. To offer support and care that shall aim at improved quality of life of orphans and vulnerable children.
  2. To promote rights of OVC through a gender holistic approach geared towards the UN convention
  3. To promote the capacity of orphaned families to increase household incomes through income generating activities.
  4. To encourage education of orphaned and vulnerable children, through promotion of information and Communication Technology (ICT) along side the Uganda educational system.
  5. Promote Health of OVC and raising awareness of the HIV/AIDS scourge among the OVC and the socio-economic impacts on their communities together with adapting possible ways of mitigating the prevalence and impacts

Our values


  • Compassion -for the less fortunate
  • Accountability- for programme activities and funds
  • Respect �for all members
  • Equal opportunity- sensitive to individuals
Company Information
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Contact Phone: Tel: +256-772-337723/+256-712-581308/+256-772-559364
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Address1: P.O. Box 192 Kitgum