Empower and Care Organisation
Empower and Care Organisation
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Why Empower and Care?

EACO Uganda (Empower and Care Organization) began in our founder’s own backyard, with the simple intention to share new skills that would aid those in his community who were less fortunate. There is great potential and aspiration found within the people of Uganda, but they are bound by the absence of education, health and empowerment. 

It is evident that these issues could not be solved by surface-level solutions because they are part of a deep rooted need for systemic change. However, there is a strive and a shift of mentality that needs to take place within each individual in order to initiate the movement of change of an entire village. From this emerged EACO Uganda’s vision to :

Build communities that inspire each other for a better future.




EACO Uganda began as a community based initiative in 2004, with the goal to provide effective skills for vulnerable men, women and children. It began with a collective group of neighbors but our founder realized that his contributions could not be restricted to locals when this insufficient way of living was found throughout all of Uganda. There was a demand from neighboring villages for EACO to extend their services. This began the extensive process of working with officials and a journey that led to EACO becoming a registered community based organization in 2006.

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