Equator Catering LTD
Equator Catering LTD
Location : Email : catering@eqcatering.com

About Us – Company Profile

Equator Catering Ltd was formed in August 1993 by Directors Peter Bowser and Charles Case to fill a void in Uganda’s developing market place. Initially set up to cater for a variety of functions in Kampala, the company has now expanded to provide a wide range of diverse services for many markets all over East Africa.

As a company we pride ourselves on our level of service in the hospitality industry and are backed by a well organized and courteous team of employees, many of whom have been with us since conception. All our staff undergo rigorous training, enabling them to perform to strict health, safety and hygiene guidelines.

In our endeavour to become one of the leading caterers in East Africa, we have been certified in ISO 9001:2015 since 2009 and go through yearly audits to keep this accreditation. This process brought with it vastly improved management systems and the implementation of our Health and Safety management system that complies with IOSH 18001 and Equator’s Food Sanitation Programme that complies with ISO 22000.

Working in East Africa, where environmental issues have often been ignored, we pride ourselves on our environmental policies and the minimum impact we have on the land we live on. Special care is taken in all our operations to protect the area we are located in with special emphasis on waste management and community involvement.

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: catering@eqcatering.com
Contact Phone: +256 (0)757 775775
Contact Fax:
Since :
Company Size:
Address1: 28 Bandali Rise, Bugolobi P.O. Box 1657, Kampala, Uganda