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About Airswift

For over 40 years Airswift has been transforming lives through the provision of international workforce solutions to the energy, process and infrastructure industries.

Today, we are an integrated team of 7,000 passionate people from 70 countries. Driven by three corporate hubs in Houston, Manchester and Singapore supporting 70 regional offices, we have a truly global approach and a reach that is unparalleled.

Our Vision

Transforming lives through the world of work

Our Values

Our core values support our vision, shape our culture and reflect what our company values.

They are the essence of our company identity and embedded in everything we do.

Airswift Values



In life and business, one must grow to flourish and achieve high ambitions. Growth requires change, challenge, risk and sacrifice - we will always choose growth.

At Airswift, we have mandated a culture of growth – this means that not only will the company grow, but it will grow through the growth of our employees. The personal development and career trajectory of our employees is a core value and focus which we know will ultimately grow our organization. This means we will never be satisfied with the status quo. We endeavour to improve every day, to take innovative risks and encourage behaviour that represents that value well.


We create a safe and inclusive environment to protect the physical and psychological well-being of everyone we work with.

The heart of our business is our people. We create a safe and inclusive environment to protect the physical and psychological wellbeing of everyone we work with. Prioritising safety ensures our staff, candidates and clients can do their absolute best work. Emotional, mental, and physical health forms a vital part of your life and impacts your thoughts, behaviours, emotions and actions. Being healthy emotionally can promote productivity and effectiveness in your family and work life. And we want our employees to have a healthy balance of both.


We deliver, holding ourselves accountable for results. Our customers see excellence in everything we do.

Achieving excellence is seldom easy, but the rewards are always worth it. Excellence is the character of being truly the best and is achieved through tenacity and a relentless pursuit of being better tomorrow than we were yesterday. Excellence is ingrained in the moral fibre of our company. The right people will do everything within their power to build an excellent company because they simply cannot imagine settling for anything less.


We are ethical, open, honest and authentic. People trust us to do the right thing for the right reason.

Integrity is the foundation of everything we do. At Airswift, we are ethical, open, honest and authentic. People trust us to do the right thing for the right reason. Integrity means always treating people the way you would expect to be treated. This means acting with honesty, respect, empathy and an open mind. We embody this in everything we do

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