The Alliance has developed a strategy: Alliance of Mayors' Initiative for Community Action on AIDS at the Local Level (AMICAALL), reflecting the importance of locally led, multisectoral action which complements supportive national policies.The AMICAALL strategy is inclusive (involving a broad range of stakeholders); responsive (reacting to locally articulated needs and brokering dialogue among local people, municipalities, policy-makers and decision-makers); gender sensitive (responding to the different experiences of men and women in terms of vulnerability, response and impact); and dynamic(local action informs national policy which in turn supports a more enabling environment for sustained responses; strengthened management and financial systems at the local level provide the foundations for scaling up responses to the epidemic). Read more
The MISSION of AMICAALL is to develop and coordinate the political and technical capacity of local government in africa to effectively lead the multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS at the local level,in accordance with the principles of the Abidjan Declaration. |
Our GOAL is to reduce the social and economic impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on communities in Africa
Our STRATEGY, as an African regional NGO, is to make the response to HIV/AIDS a concern and a mandate of local authorities. Indeed, we firmly believe in decentralisation, as it is at the local level that relevant, sustainable and effective results will be achieved. We promote an expanded, multi-sectoral and local response to the epidemic; and work with governments, civil society organizations, the private sector and local communities.
By 1993, Uganda had the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world. Although the country has made remarkable progress in reducing its HIV infection rates in both rural and urban areas since then, HIV/AIDS still remains a major development challenge. By 2009, 1.2 million people were living with HIV/AIDS and the current adult HIV prevalence of 6.4 % remains relatively high and is in fact showing signs of increasing again. The high HIV-discordance rates among married or cohabiting partners are of particular concern.. Read more
Our Partners |
AMICAALL Uganda has received support for programme activities from a wide range of partners, such as UNDP, UNAIDS, Irish AID, United Kingdom Department for International Development Agency (DFID), Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA ), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), UN APP, Ministry of Local Government (MOLG), Uganda Local Government Association (ULGA), Ministry of Health, Uganda AIDS Commission, The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO), Municipal Development Partnership (MDP), UNFPA, WHO, USAID, FCM and others. Some highlights include:
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)/Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) - developed a city-to-city cooperation in collaboration with the AMICAALL Uganda Programme and the UN APP. The city of Kampala, with support from FCM, CIDA and AMICAALL Uganda, is implementing a project to facilitate community needs assessment and development of village and parish HIV action plans. |
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria - provided funding to support economic assistance and vocational training to orphaned and vulnerable children, and affected households, in 10 selected municipalities. |
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) - through its Ulysses Programme, PwC provided technical assistance to AMICAALL Uganda in 2004 to improve municipal HIV/AIDS-related information and collection and management systems and overall coordination. |
UNAIDS - provided a programme acceleration grant. |
UNDP - allocated funding for programme activities, including development of a HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme. |
USAID - provided a grant to support the development of a community-response project to aid orphans and vulnerable children in the municipality of Soroti; through PEPFAR funding, is supporting a project to strengthen community interventions on HIV, focusing on support services to orphaned and vulnerable children, targeting four urban centres in Kampala. |
US Conference of Mayors / Centers for Disease Control (CDC) - supporting a city-to-city cooperation initiative; activities have been initiated between the City of Jinja and the City of Macon, Georgia, which have included visits and exhanges by both Mayors. |