Uganda National Association of the Deaf ( UNAD )
Uganda National Association of the Deaf ( UNAD )
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Introduction About UNAD

The Uganda National Association of the Deaf (UNAD) is a non governmental and voluntary organisation bringing together all categories of deaf people including deaf persons with multiple disabilities (e.g Deaf blind persons.)

UNAD is a voluntary organisation registered in Uganda under Non Governmental Organisation statute of 1989. The Association was established in 1973 as a National umbrella organisation for all grass root Associations of the Deaf people in Uganda.

Uganda National Association of the Deaf is a member of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU), Uganda National NGO Forum and many others

UNAD is consulted by the government and official bodies on matters concerning Deaf people and Deafness

UNAD’s primary task is to look after the interests of Deaf people communicating in Sign Language to provide services for them and to act as the expert in this sector.

The Association’s activities encompass the whole human life span, from enhancing the status of Sign Language and improving the availability of information for education and training, culture and social services.

UNAD has co-operation partners both nationally and internationally. They include Action on Disability and Development (ADD) Action Aid International Uganda (AAIU), National Union of Disabled Person of Uganda (NUDIPU), Disability rights Fund (DRF), United States African Development Foundation (USADF) and Finnish Association of the Deaf (FAD)

UNAD’s Mission Statement

To advocate for Human rights of deaf persons, promote Sign language and access to quality services like education and health services for Deaf people in general and building capacities of Deaf Associations.

Our Vision

Dignity for every Deaf person in Uganda

UNAD’s Mandate

Empowering the Deaf through capacity building, advocacy and Sign Language

Core Values of UNAD

  1. Respect for our culture of Sign Language
  2. Transparency and Accountability
  3. Education and Diversity in Skills
  4. Information Dissemination
  5. Team work spirit
  6. A supportive System of Management
  7. Commitment
  8. Flexibility
  9. Time Management
  10. Voluntarism
  11. Humility and Humanity

Strategic Objectives of UNAD

For UNAD to move towards its vision and live by its values and fulfill its mandate, the following ten strategic objectives are to be pursued:

  1. Develop and implement programmes to enhance sign language development and use in line with the needs of the Deaf.
  2. Develop and implement programs and structures focusing on gender, HIV/ AIDS and other health services in line with the UNAD mission.
  3. To create awareness through information dissemination to the Deaf people in line with the UNAD strategic plan.
  4. To develop and implement an advocacy and lobbying strategy to access provision of services and resources from government and NGOs.
  5. To develop district branches and support the existing branches in al parts of Uganda and generally build capacities of its members through conducting relevant training.
  6. To develop programmes and systems for enhancing capacity of human resource in UNAD Secretariat and the Board.
  7. To develop projects to enable UNAD and its members generate funds for poverty alleviation programmes and administration in line with the strategic objectives.
  8. To strengthen and develop financial policies and procedures for effective management of funds in line with donor requirements and international management standards.
  9. To develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation processes to assess the impact of UNAD activities in the community in line with the organization’s mission.
  10. To contribute to the emancipation of African and world wide Deaf community by actively participating in programs that contribute to the empowerment of Deaf persons worldwide

Programmes or Activities

In order to ensure that the above objectives are achieved UNAD undertakes the following programme activities.

  • Continuous advocacy and lobbying strategies
  • Fundraising
  • Co-operation with other NGOs, the government and the private sector in relations to education, training and employment opportunities for deaf persons.
  • Information research, publication and dissemination
  • Research and development of Uganda Sign Language jointly with Kyambogo University.
  • Deaf awareness training of parents teachers and interested groups.
  • Gender Reproductive health HIV/AIDS awareness trainings.
  • Mobolisation of the Deaf people , establishment and capacity building of Regional and District Deaf Associations throughout the country.
  • Raising awareness of Sign Language and issues of concern to the Deaf people through the “Silent theatre” also known as the Deaf/Sign Language theatre activities.
Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 414 532 875
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Since : 01-01-1973
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