Manafwa District Local Government
Manafwa District Local Government
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Vision & Mission


The district’s Vision is “A knowledgeable Citizenry, health populace and harmonious people by 2035”; while,

 The Mission is To Have “Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation through Effective and Efficient service delivery”. Specifically, the district seeks to:


  • Raise the levels of economic and social development;
  • Solve the problem of inadequate electric power supply;

Improve democracy and accountability;

  • Ensure that the natural resources within the Local Government are well utilized and maintained;
  • Identify and collect sufficient revenue to ensure Efficient and effective delivery of social services to communities;
  • Promote, support production and marketing in a friendly environment in order to ensure household food security and to generate income for better livelihood;
  •  Ensure wise and sustainable utilization of existing resources in the District;
  •  Empower our community involving them in economic and social activities at house hold level;
  • Increase accessibility to social services through increased District road network, safe water coverage and develop an improved building infrastructure;
  • Increase enrolment and retention rates of pupils in UPE schools;
  • Improve the health services accessibility;
  • Increase the levels of education and literacy; to eradicate poverty, bureaucratic barriers to investment, poor transport infrastructure and utility services;
  • Promote environmental sustainability, and high value agricultural produce
  • Avert the problems of inadequate office accommodation, inadequate teachers accommodation, Malaria disease and HIV/AIDS prevalence; and

In order to achieve the set objectives, the district is to employ the following strategies:

  • Purchase a generator and provide for its maintenance to ensure constant power supply in order to improve service delivery;
  • Improve both social and economic infrastructure;
  • Promote access to safe water by encouraging water harvesting, sinking boreholes, protecting springs and sensitization of the communities on hygiene and sanitation;
  • Curb the problem of environmental degradation through afforestation, creation of dumping areas, and protection of swamps and wetlands;
  • Ensure retention of the girl child in school by Sensitize the public about the relevance of the education of the girl child, protection of the girl child by enforcing laws on defilement, prevent early marriages, and promote sanitation and hygiene in schools;
  • Provide more facilities to the Universal Primary Education Program including provision of school furniture, scholastic materials, and classrooms;
  • Identification and prioritization of the needs of the PWDs by all LGs;
  • Promote marketing of products, and strengthening community producer’s associations and diversification of agricultural production;
  • Promote the quality of gender related activities;
  • Computerize the Education Department, reduce school dropouts and provide sports equipments to schools;
  • Completion of Health Centers and construction of new HC’s;
  • Equip Health Centers;
  • Enhance activities of PHC and support to NGOs;
  • Open new roads and maintain existing network through the use of both Direct Labor Force account System and contracting; and
  • Operate and Maintain facilities/assets of the District.
Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256-772-441517
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Address1: P.O Box 916, Mbale Uganda