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About Us
EnCompass is a women-owned business offering innovative, customized solutions for leadership, capacity strengthening, technical assistance, and monitoring and evaluation. We have experience in more than 70 countries and a team of more than 1,300 staff and consultants around the globe.
We partner with government and multilateral agencies, nonprofit organizations, and corporations around the world, offering thought leadership, diversity, and technical expertise in education, gender and inclusive development, global health, human rights, and food security.
Hallmarks of Our Work

Appreciative Approaches
We incorporate the systematic study of success to enable frank conversations and increase commitment to outcomes.

Whole-Systems Perspective
We test assumptions and ask questions to uncover cultural context and other factors that affect each program’s success.

Sustainable Learning
We engage our clients and partners in a learning journey that creates a sense of ownership for the process and results.

We exercise respect and humility in engaging with participants through methods that are appropriate for each of them.

Equity-Focused Methods
We apply an inclusive lens to promote human rights and deepen the impact of development.

Creative Thinking
We bring cutting-edge ideas and co-create solutions to meet each client’s current and future needs.
Our Services

Learning and Capacity Strengthening
Our signature blended learning methodologies, grounded in our core values of diversity and inclusion, help clients and partners build the capacity of their workforce to make a difference in global development.

Leadership and Management Development
We use advanced facilitation techniques, innovative collaboration technology, and executive coaching methods to enhance individual leadership for greater organizational effectiveness.

Organizational Development
Our expertise in learning and participatory evaluation supports our clients’ ability to visualize success and make informed decisions about the future of their programs and organizations.

We provide cross-sectoral technical assistance to achieve outcomes using appreciative, evidence-based methods for strategic planning, organizational development, and program implementation.

Monitoring, Evaluation,and Research
We use data and information gained through rigorous and utilization-focused research, monitoring, and Appreciative Evaluation to help clients visualize and sustain organizational excellence.


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