1st Pillar Of Islam
1st Pillar Of Islam
Location : Karachi Email : sawdahsalib@gmail.com
Muslims' core statement of faith is the Shahada, which is the first pillar of Islam. It declares that "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." A Muslim's identity and religious system revolve around this affirmation. People accept the prophetic status of Muhammad and the unity of Allah by announcing the 1st Pillar of Islam, which is a prerequisite for converting to Islam and maintaining a firm faith. Every Muslim should know the significance of the Shahada by hearing it recited during daily prayers.
Company Information
Contact Name: Dawat E Islami
Contact Email: sawdahsalib@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 021392138893
Contact Fax:
Since :
Company Size: 1-50
Address1: Global Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madina, Main University Road, Karachi, Pakistan