Africa 2000 Network Uganda ( A2N )
Africa 2000 Network Uganda ( A2N )
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Our programme (what we do/focus on)

A2N Uganda has a five-year strategic planning cycle Our current strategic plan (2022-26) seeks to supporting small and medium scale farming communities to transform themselves from subsistence to Market-focused production.

Our Vision

Food and income secure small and medium scale farming households”


“To foster sustainable and productive agricultural, food and environmental systems among       small and medium scale farming households in Uganda”

Development objective (2022-2026)

“To improve agricultural production and productivity for the market”

Our values

  • Integrity
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Team work
  • Respect for human dignity

Where we work

A2N Uganda is a national NGO with mandate to operate in all areas of Uganda.

How we work

(Additional information is on our approaches to service delivery)

A2N-Uganda uses various strategies to productively engage with the small and medium scale farmers, these include:

Integrated farm planning (PIP)/Participatory Development Management (PDM)- whereby farming communities are empowered to determine their development aspirations and the kind of interventions and activities to undertake by themselves and with others to achieve those aspirations. The lower level development plans right from the household inform and provide the building blocks of the next community level development plan up to the district and so on.

Integration of livelihood improvement interventions to attain food security and income generation. Interrelationships between nutrition and health, soils and production, livestock and crops, literacy and wealthy creation are emphasized to attain visible impact on the livelihoods of the participating communities.

Mainstreaming cross-cutting issues.

Gender relations: In all interventions by A2N-Uganda, gender analyses are made and appropriate actions undertaken to ensure equity and harmony between the different sexes. This enhances full human potential harnessing for prolific change. We use Gender Action Learning systems (GALS) and other proven strategies to promote equity and equality through all our development work

The environment: The environment as a medium for sustainable production is always at the centre of our intervention to ensure low external inputs sustainable agriculture with increased yields due to effective nutrients recycling and balancing. A2N has expanded its interventions (personal and environmental hygiene and sanitation –WASH-as well as use of integrated soil fertility management technologies and practices) at household and community levels to encompass watershed and landscape conservation and restoration/regeneration. Through partnership with PELUM Uganda we have been equipped with adequate capacity to implement the Climate Resilient Agro-systems Model (CREAM).

A2N utilizes proven approaches to environmental issues effectively build motivation, self-confidence and collaboration which are key requirements for collective action in conserving and restoring the environment.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256-414-541 571
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Address1: Kampala, Plot 70 Bukoto Street, Lower Kololo, P.O. Box 31090 Kampala