African Community Centre for Education and Social Sustainability (ACCESS)
African Community Centre for Education and Social Sustainability (ACCESS)
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The African Community Centre for Social Sustainability (ACCESS) is a community-based organisation in the rural district of Uganda called Nakaseke. It was founded on the premise that everyone has a right to a healthy life. Our mission is to work with vulnerable people in resource-limited settings through provision of medical care, education and economic empowerment to create long lasting change that is owned by the entire community.

Each year, we focus on strengthening the activities of ACCESS in the areas of support for orphans and other vulnerable children (OVCs), nursing and midwifery education, medical care, family planning, innovative research and global health as well as infrastructure and human resource development.

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Our Community Commitment

With additional support from our partners, we have been able to graduate 24 preschool children and maintained the number of preschool children at 62. We have provided scholastic materials for 420 OVCs in primary and secondary schools. We held our first graduation for the nurses and midwives in our school in 2018; 98% passed their national exam with excellence, and most of them are employed. The school has over 254 students.

Our medical care services have greatly improved. In 2018, we treated over 3,196 patients and provided family planning services to 29,614 clients including 8,884 youths aged 15-24 years in and out of school. The number of clients has thus more than quadrupled from 7000 in 2017. ACCESS is now the leading provider of FP services in the Nakaseke district and provides support for 19 other health centers in the district.

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