Amolatar District Local Government
Amolatar District Local Government
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Amolatar District is one of the Local Governments, under the Uganda Government decentralization policy, located in the north of Uganda.

We are the pearl of the Pearl of Africa.
The district is part of the Lango sub-region, together with the other seven districts listed below. The constituent districts of the Lango sub-region are:
Amolatar District
Alebtong District
Apac District
Dokolo District
Kole District
Lira District
Oyam District
Otuke District
In all, the district contains 346 villages, organized into 33 parishes.

Administratively, the district is divided into the following administrative units:
Amolatar Town Council
Muntu Sub-county
Awelo Sub-county, Etam Town council, Namasale Town Council
Namasale Sub-county
Aputi Sub-county


Company Information
Contact Name: Amolatar District Local Government
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