Author Patrick Gisler
Author Patrick Gisler
Location : Redmond Email :
Author Patrick Gisler, a multifaceted individual, boasts a rich history in academia, petroleum exploration, and real estate development. His scientific contributions and passion for history fuel his engaging historical fiction, inspired by WWII events.

The author’s life has been a colorful collection of experiences, including military duty, academics, adventure, and real estate development. Born to a single mother in rural Oklahoma just after WWII, the author grew up with determination and resiliency. After graduating from high school with honors, he joined the U.S. Navy briefly before attending top educational institutions.

Moving from academia to the exploration sector, the author’s scholarly contributions included ground-breaking studies on interstellar asteroids. Later, he ventured into real estate development, influencing landscapes in Oregon as well as nationally.
Company Information
Contact Name: Author Patrick Gisler
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Contact Phone: 5416680616
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Since : 10-08-2004
Company Size: 200
Address1: 881 SW Pumice Ave Redmond