Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom
Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom
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The Omukama (King) of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom was restituted by Statute No. 8 of 1993, enacted by the Parliament of Uganda, after the monarchy had been abolished for 27 years. Unlike the pre 1967 Omukama who was a titular head of the local government of Bunyoro, the Omukama, today, is a cultural leader with no governmental functions. His mission is to give his subjects cultural leadership, and to be a catalyst in the development process.

There are aspects of our culture that need to be improved upon, modified or even abandoned. An example is early marriages responsible for high rates of adolescent pregnancies, abortions, maternal morbidity and mortality. Today the Omukama is advocating for the population to abandon this practice. While Parliament has enacted the Defilement Act to protect minors, this legislation alone is not enough.

The overall welfare, cultural and economic well being of the people of Bunyoro-Kitara is priority number one on the Omukama's agenda. To this end, he has created The Bunyoro-Kitara Cultural Trust; and initiated a number of humanitarian, cultural and economic development projects.

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