Centre for Women in Governance
Centre for Women in Governance
Location : Email : info@cewigo.com

The Centre for Women in Governance is a National-level Non-governmental Organization (NGO) established in 2006 with a vision of: “A society in which women and men are equitably participating and benefiting from good governance”.

Our mission is: “To mobilize women and build their capacity to influence governance at all levels and to increase awareness that where women and men share equally in the generation and maintenance of good governance, the benefits accrue to all society”.


Our Mission

To mobilize women and build their capacity to influence governance at all levels and to increase awareness that where women and men share equally in the generation and maintenance of good governance, the benefits accrue to all society.

Our Vision

A society in which women and men are equitably participating and benefiting from good governance.

Our Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Mutual respect
  • Excellence
  • Equity
  • Commitment
  • Innovative

Our Core Principles

  • Community Participation,
  • Cost effectiveness and quality service delivery,
  • Working in partnership with government structures, CSOs and other stakeholders.
  • Replication of good practices
Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: info@cewigo.com
Contact Phone: +256 414 532 382
Contact Fax:
Since : 01-01-2006
Company Size:
Address1: Plot 212 Nsalo Road, Off Gadaffi Road, Near Old Kampala Police Station P.O Box 844, Kampala, Uganda