Child Restoration Outreach ( CRO )
Child Restoration Outreach ( CRO )
Location : Email : crouganda2020[@]
Our Story
We're devoted change-makers motivated "to rebuild the lives of former street children to a life originally intended by God."

Child Restoration Outreach (CRO) - how it began
Child Restoration Outreach Uganda (CRO), is Non-Government organization dedicated to addressing the problem of children on the streets and its effects on the society. CRO has been assisting children and their communities in Mbale, Uganda since 1992.

In 1992, a group of committed Christian leaders who were concerned about the growing numbers of children on the streets and their plight in Mbale town following instability in Teso and Karamoja sub-regions, founded Child Restoration Outreach (CRO) as an organization to address the problem.


Originally, CRO operated in Mbale only but overtime it extended its services to three major towns in Uganda, that is, Jinja(1998), Masaka (2002) and Lira (2007) to become a leading Christian National Organization assisting street children and their families in Uganda

With such expansion, the CRO Country Office was established to oversee the four projects now with its offices in Mbale, Plot 8 Kabwangasi Square,Half London. The organisation is registered with the National NGO Board in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as S.5914/667.

Since 1992, and with the generous support of the donors, over 19,000 children have been supported with rehabilitation and education through the holistic approach where CRO targets to work with different stakeholders to improve the welfare of the children..

CRO supports street children and their families. Street life means a daily struggle for survival. Children experience assault, drug abuse, diseases, hunger, exploitation through child labor, physical and emotional abuse.There are part time and full time street children who are the direct beneficiaries of CRO. Other children in the community and schools are indirect beneficiaries through the peer education activities and outreach programs. There are many street children of great talents (music, sports, dance) which we try to develop.

The main causes of children coming to the streets include the following;

Poor parenting habits
Death of parents
Family breakdown
Violence and abuse of children at home
Displacement due to natural factors
Mental health issues
Lost on the street
Domestic violence
Floods and landslides.
Peer pressure from other children
Child Neglect
The activities of CRO are guided by its Vision and Mission statements.

Our Goal

“To Contribute towards increased and better rights realization outcomes of children formerly living on the streets and in targeted communities”

Our Vision

“Children formerly living on the streets and in targeted communities, holistically transformed into God fearing, empowered, productive and responsible members of society”.

Our Mission

“To rebuild the lives of children formerly living on the streets and empowering those in targeted communities through realization of their rights, while reconciling them with God and their families”.

The CRO broad objectives are;
To increase quantitative and qualitative realization of the rights of former Children living on the street (CLOS);
To leverage opportunities from working partnerships and networks for Child Rights Realization (CRR);
To enhance duty bearers, actors and stakeholders’ capacities for effective execution of roles, fulfillment of obligations and responsibilities;
To increase CRO capacity for sustainability of outcomes and its operations; and
To strengthen CRO organization continuously for even more efficient and effective service delivery.

Governance & Management
The work of CRO is overseen by the national Board and they meet quarterly to oversee and formulate policies, discuss the progress of CRO and to recruit or discipline staff. Since the year 2020, the local boards were replaced with advisory committees.

The current National CRO Board Members include;

Simon Peter Emiau - Chairperson
Naomi Watiti - Vice Chairperson
Mr, Osupelum Justin - Member
Pastor Sam Mukabi - Member
Kidulu James - Member
Ingrid Wilts - Member
The CRO Organizational Chart
web cro organo

The CRO Team
CRO has a well trained and competent staff that works with the children and community to ensure satisfaction of their beneficiaries. The staff on several occasions attend trainings in Counseling , Advocacy, Psycohosocial support, Child Protection, Child Rights. These have worked closely with the children to ensure that the attained skills are fully utilised. The trainings have been fundamental, and the staff together with the children and community have testified of the works of CRO.

The CRO Country Office

The Country Director, currently, Mr. Nabitiri Paul coordinates all the CRO branches. He is a very competent, hard working and passionate for the children and their welfare. His visionary leadership will keep the organisation in progress.

The main functions of the CRO Country Office are:
Coordination, planning and development of CRO programs
Support supervision to branch managers
Program Monitoring, Audits and Evaluation
Staff training and development
Representation of CRO organization
Organizing National meetings and Retreats
Advocacy, documentation and dissemination of CRO functions
Board Training and development
Initiation of new CRO programs

CRO's Approach & Values
CRO's Approach
CRO’s existence is grounded on the transformation of the life of CLOS, their families and communities principally through rehabilitation, reintegration and resettlement interventions. CRO enrolls the resettled children for vocational and formal education in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions.

In line with its Christian philosophy, it champions the fundamental rights of CLOS and in targeted communities as people of God, created to live a life of dignity in society. CRO employs an inclusive implementation approach that involves working with a spectrum of stakeholders including; the parents/guardians, community leaders, CSOs, Local Governments, the private sector, law enforcement personnel and other partners to advocate for the rights of CLOS and in targeted communities’ and to raise resources to enable them enjoy their rights to clothing, education, food, health, shelter and protection.

In line with Uganda government policies, CRO does not institutionalize children, but assists them to get rehabilitated, educated and reintegrated within their extended family lines as a long-term strategy. This has proved to be a “good practice” for the street children because the children have to take their own decisions to quit the streets.This usually has a lasting impact on the street children.

CRO’s 23 years experience of working with street children is enriched by experienced staff and modest structures to enable street children access rehabilitation and education and finally transform their lives into productive persons in society.

The CRO Core Values are:
Commitment to the poorest of the poor
Value people
and Growth, development and Commitment.
CRO Partners
How to Get Involved

CRO is proud to cooperate with a large number of Local and International Non Government Organizations as well as individual and groups of donors .These have helped to finance a great deal of the organization’s work. Our current and previous partner organizations include;
ac erikshjalpenErikshjälpens vision is to change the world by making children’s dreams come true. It can be the dream about being able to go to school, the dream that mom will find work or the dream that dad will stop being so sick.

In cooperation with local partner organizations, we create conditions for children and families to develop good living conditions by supporting their own drive. We work towards the realization of the the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Millenium Goals. Main strategies for Erikshjälpen’s programmes are access to education, family and community empowerment, gender equity, local resource mobilization and strengthening civil society...Read More


Founded in 2017 in Hamburg, as an association to support the general international development due to the principal “helping people help themselves“. For the start SLB is partnering the Ugandan NGO “Child Restoration Outreach Jinja“ which is supporting street children. With the collected funds we plan to help CRO enroll the children in the school system and furtherone initialize long-term community projects enhancing the children’s families general welfare and independence.Read More

a1Kinder not hilfe logoThis organization focuses on financing projects which promote the sustainable development of children and young people, awaken their potential and improve their chances in life. This presupposes great dependability and obligations which usually lead to long term commitments. Each local situation determines which form of assistance is appropriate...Read More


retraklogoRetrak is a UK based charity that works with street children in Africa to give them a real alternative to life on the street. Retrak began in Kampala, Uganda in 1994 as a football club providing street children with the opportunity for play and, for a short while at least, escape their day to day problems and dangers. Recognizing both the need and the potential, Retrak expanded the scope of its work beyond football and, by 1997, had become a UK charity and was registered in Uganda as a NGO called the Tigers Club Project; later renamed Retrak.

Programs were developed by working with the children individually, to find what worked best for them; and grew to include education, vocational training, health care, counseling and more, while keeping the much loved football sessions...Read More

CROSO (Child Restoration Outreach Support Organization)
CROSO logoThis organization CROSO supports former street children in Uganda to attend college or technical school thus ensuring a Brighter Future for Ugandan Street Children through Higher Education. We are so greatful to CROSO for enabling children achieve their dreams. ...Read More

edukansEdukans Foundation is a development organization with a unique focus on basic education. Every child is entitled to have access to basic education of good quality. Yet, world-wide, 80 million children do not attend school. For Edukans this is an unacceptable situation. Action has to be taken. Every child should have the opportunity to get relevant education. Edukans facilitates this in close cooperation with local partner organisations in developing countries. Edukans also involves students in the Netherlands in the field of quality improvement of basic education and awareness raising on the issue...Read More

CRO Foundation
cro foundation nlThis organization work towards our goals through close cooperation with Child Restoration Outreach Uganda striving to make more sustainable investments in local projects that bring in money and become self-sustaining. CRO Foundation is currently running CRO Bakery in Lira and a RESTORE project ...Read More

a2srtomeStromme Stiftelsen is a non government organization having operations in all countries. CRO is very greatful to be a partner to such a prestigious organisation...Read More


africa education trustAET supports education for the poorest and most excluded groups in conflict-affected areas of Africa. AET partners with CRO to provide improved access to quality primary education for extremely disadvantaged street children in Mbale, leading to better chances in life through acquisition of literacy and life skills....Read More


terre des hommesThe Terre des Hommes International Federation is a network of ten national organisations working for the rights of children and to promote equitable development without racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based discrimination.

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CRO is greatly indebited to our sundry donors that are supporting the programme whenever possible.These include;Berlin International School,The Berlin American Club,Pastors Magret and Malcom Theobold,Be More, Gudmundra Forsamling,CROSO,Ev.Schlosskir Changemeide Koepenick, E.V.Kirchenkires Berlin Stadtmitte, Karuna EV e.t.c.

CRO is greatful to the individual donors that are supporting individual children such as Susannah Hills, Margaret Glaser, Gloria Siqueiros,Lee King,Hubert Keulers,Roland Stoeber,Rudi Stielow,Tobias Brinhorst,Miriam,Pastor Rolf Kuhni, Uta Hollweg, Eivindi Myhr, Jensi Olai Justvik, Angellica Hinsch,Anneke Kneppers e.t.c

Below is a summary of our previous partners
World food programme (WFP)
Trickle Up Program
International Labour Organization-International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (ILO-IPEC)
Dutch Embassy
Kinderen in de Knel
World Concern
Goal Uganda
Tear Fund-Netherlands
World Learning Inc.
Edinburg City Fellowship - UK
First Fruit-USA
Evangelische Omroep
Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: crouganda2020[@]
Contact Phone: +256-752627311
Contact Fax:
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Address1: Plot 8 Kabwangasi Square, Half London, Mbale City