Data Intuition Uganda (DIU)
Data Intuition Uganda (DIU)
Location : Kampala Email :

About us

Data Intuition Uganda leverages research and advisory to create thought-provoking and time relevant evidence

DIU was initially established as a data management firm, providing digitalized solutions in data collection, cleaning, analysis and visualization.

The need to scale to our current RSA model (Research, Statistics and Analytics, and Advisory and Policy) become inevitable as a result of increased need for high quality evidence, driven from research, and analytics.

DIU has become a research, analytics and advisory force that continues to positively empower and transform people, organizations, businesses and governments (our partners) through use of high-quality evidence.

Creating and disseminating ideas and tactics which trigger discussions at local and global platforms, and informs cutting-edge program decisions.

Our insightful analytics and evidence patterns have inspired quality decisions, accelerate service delivery, growth and innovations for our partners. We are always innovating and creating. Work with quality to give the best.

We have learnt that subverting global challenges like poverty, climate change, failing SMEs, poor agricultural performance, financial exclusions, poor governance and service delivery and others, requires efforts beyond just providing data.

The actual solutions lie in our availability and commitment to globally avail accurate, reliable, consistent, transportable, and relevant information that can propel innovation and lead our partners to programs that create impact.

We are a consortium of RSA experts. Deeply aware of the fast-paced changes in the trend of technology, approaches and methodologies applied to compete globally. This is why we not only provide the most precise RSA insights, but rather engage our partners in a strategy that empowers them to continue driving and influencing the economy, society and humanity at large

DIU Vision


A society that is empowered, transformed and evidence driven


DIU Mission

To become the most reliable research, analytics and advisory organization that leverages high quality data-based evidence and knowledge to improve and transform lives

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +25 777 061845
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Address1: P.O.Box 15632 Kampala, Uganda