De Waste Ug Limited
De Waste Ug Limited
Location : Email :


De Waste (U) Ltd was established in 2010 with the objective to deliver through environmental services with emphasis on comprehensive(hazardous and non-hazardous) waste management, its transportation, treatment, disposal and other related environmental services.
We provide an integrated service-offering to the industrial, municipal and public sectors.
With health and safety as our cornerstone, our plants, equipment and systems are all designed to ensure maximum safety for our well trained paersonnel and neighbouring communities.
As part of our development, service diversification and technological advancement as well as customer service experience has become a constant improvement of our progress.

Mission Statement

We aim at giving a comprehensive waste management solution to our clients tailored to their environment management objectives


With our experience, professional workers and resources we provide the best medical waste services in the country. We are involved in all stages of medical waste chain from the point of generation, collection, treatment as well as final disposal of medical and biohazard waste. We further provide waste handling equipment and tools to ensure infection control during our processes hence protecting the environment.


Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256 (0) 414531882 | +256 (0) 755 316666
Contact Fax:
Since : 01-01-2010
Company Size:
Address1: Plot 1 Friendship Road, Ministers Village Ntinda, Kampala Off Corporation Road