The Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA) is a regional pest and vector management organization established by an International Convention signed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1962. Member Countries of the Organization are Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.
Its Headquarters are in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with country Control Reserve Bases in each of the Member Countries. Initially, the Organization was mandated to promote control operations and forecast techniques against upsurges and plagues of Desert Locust in the Eastern Africa region.
Later the mandate was extended to include better management of infestations of other migratory pests, particularly the African Armyworm, the grain-eating Quelea bird and the Tsetse fly that transmits the deadly human sleeping sickness (Trypanosomiasis) or nagana to livestock.
The Organization maintains its own fleet of fixed wing Aircraft for crops spraying and HF Base radio and mobile (vehicle-mounted) transmitter/receiver sets with approved frequencies for official communication in the region. Pest and weather information and data are therefore routinely exchanged; while Aircraft movement is also monitored and contact maintained during field operations or transit flights.
The establishment of DLCO-EA was based on the following broad considerations:
Damage caused by plagues of the Desert Locust to crops, pasture and other vegetation in the past, e.g. Between 1928-1959, ran into millions of US$ per annum - a situation which was detrimental to the realization of food security in Eastern Africa and other affected Regions, and for which, a regional approach was best.
The mandated insect and bird pests migrate across international borders; they breed and multiply rapidly; they move over long distances and attack crops, pasture and other vegetation; while the Tsetse flies transmit a deadly sleeping sickness disease to livestock and humans when they move into an area in increased numbers.
Regional co-operation facilitates regular exchange of information, early detection, and hence rapid deployment of operational personnel and equipment for timely intervention to reduce damage, etc.
Regional forecasting and warnings benefit the countries, which at the time, may not be suffering from pest attack, but which are under potential threat of invasion from elsewhere.
Regional training builds capacities, encourages the exchange of ideas and experiences freely between member states, and contributes to more efficient pest and vector management, and to improved food security in the region.
The regular Ministerial Council Meetings at rotating venues in member countries, contribute towards a common understanding between member states, and stronger regional co-operation.
The Regional Organization facilitates the channeling of regional assistance to plant protection services of member states, and the procurement and utilization of regional funds from donors which are of immediate benefit to member states.
Centralised research activities pool resources and reduce costs, yet the results benefit wider geographical areas and larger populations that share common threats from migrant pests and vectors.