Dr Michael Oon The Feng Shui Consultant
Dr Michael Oon The Feng Shui Consultant
Location : Email : michael.oon@gmail.com
Dr. Michael Oon's website showcases his expertise in Traditional Feng Shui, emphasizing his unique approach that combines ancient Chinese practices with modern applications. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Oon focuses on enhancing the harmony and energy of both residential and commercial spaces. His services are detailed on the site, illustrating how Feng Shui can improve various aspects of life including health, wealth, and personal satisfaction. Dr. Oon's methodology is deeply rooted in traditional practices passed down through generations, tailored to meet contemporary needs. The website also offers insights into the principles of Feng Shui, case studies, and the benefits of integrating these practices into daily life. For individuals interested in learning more about authentic Feng Shui or seeking consultation services, Dr. Oon provides a wealth of resources and expert guidance.
Company Information
Contact Name: Dr. Michael Oon
Contact Email: michael.oon@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 07973551184
Contact Fax:
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Address1: Woking, Surrey, GU21 8TS United Kingdom