Dr. Mark Williams
Dr. Mark Williams
Location : Nashville Email : info@entson.net
"I have been given tremendous favour in opportunities to educate the body of Christ on the importance of the voice - not just for singers but for every believer," claims Williams. Dr. Mark Williams has led workshops and been featured at Gospel Announcers Guild Conventions, Beyond Potential Music Gathering, I.M.A.C. Conference, Bobby Jones Gospel, TCT TV, Airplay 360 Ezine, and The Dove Awards. Williams' major purpose is to educate singers, preachers, and speakers on good vocal technique and voice cleanliness in order to assist prevent the development of voice disorders and, as a result, improve worship experiences.
Company Information
Contact Name: Dr. Mark Williams
Contact Email: info@entson.net
Contact Phone: 6157240131
Contact Fax:
Since : 10-09-2003
Company Size: 250
Address1: 341 Wallace Rd, Suite D, Nashville, TN 37211