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Our vision is to give everyone easy access to anything in their city

We are Glovo
Glovo is the app that allows you to get the best products of your city in a few minutes. We connect users, businesses and couriers to make that possible. The project was born with the aim of transforming the way users acquire what they need, making cities more accessible. At Glovo we want to give everyone easy access to anything in their city, having a sustainable impact on the economy, society and environment: we are a tech-first responsible company.

Our Story
From Barcelona to the world. Glovo is the app that allows you to get the best products in your city.

Glovo was launched in early 2015 by Oscar Pierre and Sacha Michaud. Oscar, after studying at Georgia Tech and seeing the emerging on-demand economy in the US, came back to his hometown of Barcelona to start his own company, where he met Sacha, a seasoned tech entrepreneur. Since then, Glovo has launched in 23 countries and over 900 cities worldwide. Today, it is the largest on-demand platform founded out of mainland Europe, having delivered over 255M orders.

Company Information
Contact Name: GLOVO
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