Give Us Wings Uganda (GUWU )
Give Us Wings Uganda (GUWU )
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Give Us Wings was founded by a small group of people in the Twin Cities in 1999 after they learned of the thousands of families living in extreme poverty and struggling to survive in rural Kenya and Uganda. The people of Kenya and Uganda had few resources, but dreamed of building better lives for themselves. As a grassroots organization, Give Us Wings has been built with support from thousands of supporters. We have built an organization that is community-based and responsive to the needs of our partners – women, children and men. Give Us Wings provides services and training designed to help our partners build their capacity to lead and create opportunities to become self-sufficient and promote gender equity, social unity and resiliency.

Give Us Wings focuses on helping our partners improve their access to quality health care, education and economic opportunities. Throughout the years, we have helped our partners obtain training in organic farming, leadership, conflict resolution, tailoring, managing cooperatives and many other skills. Give Us Wings built a clinic, staff housing and a young women’s academy in Kenya. In Uganda, we have constructed and are supporting the operation of a clinic that serves over 18,000 people a year. Our Family to Family program provides support and educational opportunities for over 80 families.


We envision people in our partner communities in rural Uganda living healthy lives with dignity and hope as they pursue their life goals.


Encourage, support and partner with people living in extreme poverty in Uganda as they transform their lives and become self-sufficient through greater access to quality health care, education and economic opportunities.


  • Partnership: We seek to partner with women, men, children, families and communities to develop the skills and resources they need to build a just and equitable society of their own design.
  • Collaboration: We recognize that community development is more effective and sustainable when many points of view are considered and incorporated into our policies and programs.
  • Integrative Approach: We recognize that families are the foundation of communities. We will consider the skills, talents and needs of individuals and families as we design programs that will help develop strong and sustainable families and communities.
  • Equity and Justice: We will treat all people equally and justly, without regard to gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religious views, or physical or mental ability.
  • Diversity: We encourage diversity and inclusiveness among members of our governing bodies, staff and beneficiaries and recognize that diversity and inclusiveness will result in more people being served through more impactful programs.
  • Respect: We respect our partners and stakeholders and value them and their ideas.
  • Creativity: We encourage creative thinking and problem-solving and will incorporate the knowledge and experiences we acquire from previous programs and projects to current one.
  • Integrity: We will act with integrity, honesty and transparency and will be accountable to our stakeholders for the use of the resources entrusted to us.
Company Information
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Since : 01-01-1999
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