Global Alliance for the Advancement of refugees and Migrants is a civil rights organization in Uganda formed in 2019 as an interracial endeavor to advance justice, protection and empowerment of refugees, Stateless persons, asylum seekers and migrants (persons of interest) by a group of civil rights activists. Global Alliance for the Advancement of refugees and Migrants is incorporated in Uganda under reg. No. 80020002958193.
Our Mission is “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate all forms of injustice and discrimination by ensuring that refugees and migrants access rights to which they are entitled to under the international law”.
The vision of Global Alliance for the Advancement of refugees and Migrants is to see “a well-led society in which all individuals irrespective of origin or race, live life in all its Fullness, are valued, protected, cared for, and given the opportunities to realize their full potential”.
Every day, all over the world, people make one of the most difficult decisions in their lives: to leave their homes in search of a safer, better life. In recent years, the movement of people from one country and continent to another has grown significantly in scale and scope. The world’s population is increasingly mobile, with women, men and children leaving their own country and taking up residence elsewhere for a variety of different reasons. Violence, war, hunger, extreme poverty, unemployment, sexual orientation, or consequences of climate change or other natural disasters are forcing children, women and men to take this next step. Such persons take up the status of “refugees, migrants or asylum seekers”
For these so many reasons, people seek to rebuild their lives in a different country: get a job, an education or investment opportunity. Others are forced to flee persecution or human rights violations such as torture. Millions flee from armed conflicts or other crises or violence. Some no longer feel safe and might have been targeted just because of who they are or what they do or believe – for example, for their ethnicity, religion, sexuality or political opinions.
To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights for all persons keenly focusing on refugees, stateless persons, asylum-seekers and migrants (persons of interest).
To advocate for and ensure effective appropriation and use of all resources aimed at advancing the lives of all persons of interest.
To achieve equality of rights and eliminate race prejudice against persons of interest.
To remove all barriers of racial discrimination and prejudice through democratic processes
To seek enactment and enforcement of laws securing civil rights and protection of all persons of interest.
To inform the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination and to seek its elimination
To educate persons as to their constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to secure the exercise thereof, and to take any other lawful action in furtherance of these objectives, consistent with local and International law on human rights.