Global Refugee Initiatives (GRI)
Global Refugee Initiatives (GRI)
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Global Refugee Initiatives (GRI) is a humanitarian Non-Governmental Organization with headquarters in Kampala, Uganda.
The success of our solutions is based on sustainability that is derived from collaborating with our project’s participants: refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and their host communities. We provide increased access to education, health, justice, and economic opportunities, in order to better prepare our participants for (re)integration into society, an outcome that is rewarding for refugees, IDPs and host communities.

Throughout our operations, Global Refugee Initiatives adheres to International Legal Instruments, the 1995 Constitution of Uganda, the Refugee Act 2006, the Refugee and Host Population Empowerment Strategic Framework – Uganda (ReHoPE Strategy) 2017, the Uganda Settlement Transformation Agenda , the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and the Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response.


To protect rights of all displaced people.


We seek to lessen the impact of armed conflicts, natural disasters, and displacement on our projects’ participants through innovative and participatory approaches.


  • Impartiality and Non-Discrimination
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Partnership
  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Sustainability
  • Accountability
  • Through its varied expertise, the Board of Directors guides the organization towards its Vision.

    Mary Akugizibwe

    Ugandan national, holds an LLM in Public International Law from the University of Nottingham, a master’s degree in Development Studies with specialization in Human Rights, Gender and Conflict, Social Justice Perspectives from Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands, and bachelor’s in laws (LLB) from Uganda.
    She previously worked with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, The Netherlands, University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre (HRLC), the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Geneva, Switzerland. Her specialties include International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Justice, Gender and Development. Full profile

    Frans Wittermans

    Dutch national, with over 20 years of international experience (including in Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania) in economic development, including small and medium enterprise development and local economic development. Frans also co-founded Sengerema Foundation, Voorburg, The Netherlands, which has been actively operating youth entrepreneurship development programs in several districts of Tanzania since 2008. Full profile

    Frances Namayanja

    Ugandan national, has a master’s degree in International Commercial Law from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom, postgraduate diploma in Legal Practice from the Law Development Centre, Kampala, Uganda and a bachelor’s degree in laws degree (Honours) from Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. She previously worked for the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs of Uganda, and several Civil Society Organizations in Uganda and Canada.

    Sabrina Hackmann

    German national, holds a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, a master’s degree in International Humanitarian Action with focus on Protection, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Has worked with international organisations in Uganda and in Germany. She is currently based in Kampala, Uganda. Full profile

    Christopher Kiiza

    Ugandan national, with expertise in Education and Development. Christopher has worked in these sectors for over 30 years with the Government of Uganda Ministry of Education, NGOs, and the Private Sector. He has a strong track record in education programs development and fostering students centred curriculum and student creativity in lower and higher institutions of learning in Uganda. Christopher is committed to extending his knowledge and experience to the advancement of GRI’s education program.

    GRI Advisory Committee

    Elwyn Llyod Jones – Special Advisor on Energy and Infrastructure Development

    Elwyn is an Electrical Engineer with a master’s degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (where he also taught), and a bachelor’s from the University of Cape Town. He is an honorary life member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. With over 25 years’ experience as an independent Contractor/Consultant he is helping organizations (in both the Private and Public sectors) with implementing Enterprise Information Systems, to meet their organizational change objectives. (Usually in the Energy, Telecommunications, and Healthcare domains, with several clients across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.) – More recently he is shifting his focus towards charities, fundraising, and campaigning. Full profile

    Syson Siima – Special Advisor on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

    She is a dynamic civil engineer, holds a master’s degree in International Water and Sanitation Management from the Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University and a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Makerere University in Uganda. Syson is currently serving as a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) consultant at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Geneva. She has previously worked at Engineering Ministries International where she was involved in several water, wastewater and stormwater design projects in Uganda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Full profile

    Chloe Parpaleix– Special Advisor on Resource Acquisition and Donor Compliance (Francophone Portfolio)

    French national, holds a master’s degree in International Relations, Francophonie, and Diplomacy and a bachelor’s degree in Public International Law from the University of Lyon III, France. She previously worked with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) in Geneva, Switzerland and with the NGO, Volunteers Initiative Nepal in Kathmandu, Nepal. Full profile

    Natasha Barigye – Special Adviser on Access to Justice

    Ugandan national, holds an LLM in International Criminal Justice & Armed Conflict from the University of Nottingham University, a Diploma in Legal Practice & Development, and a bachelor’s degree in Law (LLB) from Uganda Christian University Mukono. Natasha has previously worked on the Domonic Ongwen Prosecution Team at the International Criminal Court. She is currently working as a consultant in The Hague. Full profile

    Karina Alves Pina – Special Advisor Psychosocial Support Programs

    Brazilian national, licensed Clinical Psychologist, with specialty in Archetypal Psychology from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). She holds a master´s degree in International Humanitarian Action from the University College Dublin and in Disaster Analysis and Preparedness from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
    Karina is currently a Regional Staff Counsellor for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) covering East and North-East Africa. She previously worked with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre, the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG-ECHO), the private sector and as a psychologist in public schools, government agencies and hospitals in Brazil. In 2020, she co-founded the NGO Planetary Collaboration in Geneva, Switzerland. Full profile

    The Programs Team

    We have created an enthusiastic team of talented and dedicated professionals who oversee the daily operations of the organisation and manage GRI’s projects in Kampala and in the field.

    Christopher Kiiza – Acting Executive Director

    Ugandan national, with expertise in Education and Development. Christopher has worked in these sectors for over 30 years with the Government of Uganda Ministry of Education, NGOs, and the Private Sector. He has a strong track record in education programs development and fostering students centred curriculum and student creativity in lower and higher institutions of learning in Uganda. Christopher is committed to extending his knowledge and experience to the advancement of GRI’s education program.

    Pauline Bako – Coordinator Field Operations

    She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Uganda Pentecostal University and a certificate in Conflict Management and Resolution by Whittaker Peace and Development Initiative. She has over 8 years of work experience as a finance and administration officer for her University, private sector, and NGOs in Uganda. Through Global Refugee Initiatives’ partnership and capacity building arrangements with Save the Children in Uganda, Pauline in 2018 attained a 2-year traineeship with Save the Children. Pauline has also worked as a Protection Officer – Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in Refugee camps in Northern Uganda.

    Clare Harriet Lekuru – Coordinator Health Programs

    For over 15 years, Clare served as a nursing officer in several government hospitals in Uganda under the Ministry of Health. She was enrolled as a nurse by Arua school of Comprehensive Nursing, a Government Institute and holds a diploma in Nursing and Midwifery from Masaka School of Comprehensive Nursing.

    Betty Nabirye – Administrative Officer

    Before joining Global Refugee Initiatives, Betty served for 11 years as an administrative officer in the Government of Uganda Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, The Aids Support Organization (TASO) a civil society organization in Uganda and with the private sector. She holds a post-graduate diploma in Administrative Law from the Law Development Centre, Kampala, Uganda and a bachelor’s degree in Adult and Community Education from Makerere University in Uganda.

    Stichting Multi-Pass

    Nieuwe Mostraat 1A, The Hague, The Netherlands
    On the behalf of GRI, Stichting Multi-Pass is responsible for overseeing GRI’s donor Relations, ensuring quality control, effective projects implementation and accountability.
    Stichting Multi-Pass is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague under registration number: 30226702. The foundation has a strong track record in development programs in West Africa and is currently working together with Global Refugee Initiatives in Uganda.

    M/s Lubega, Babu & Company Advocates

    M/s Lubega, Babu & Co. Advocates are legal associates to Global Refugee Initiatives. They support in the organization’s legal matters, contract arrangements, advocacy, and legal representation of GRI’s clients before courts or administrative tribunals through


    Access to Justice

    Global Refugee Initiatives provides rights-based all-inclusive access to justice services; addressing several critical issues that directly affect lives, and increase vulnerability of refugee and IDP women, men, and children. The access to justice interventions are guided by the necessity to identify, prevent, and respond to issues that increase individual’s exposure to violence, intimidation, and deliberate deprivation.

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    Global Refugee Initiative’s Economic Empowerment activities focus on providing long-term solutions to the economic challenges of refugees, Internally Displaced Persons, and their hosts.
    The activities are designed in collaboration with communities, are context specific and take into account both immediate and long-term needs of individuals and families, within actions aimed at increasing production capacities and promoting income.


    Global Refugee Initiatives’ education program is driven by our ultimate belief in the power of education as an essential pathway to a better and brighter future for children and nations. Therefore, GRI’s education programs aim to overcome the obstacles in education and to ensure refugees, IDP and Host Community Children have access to inclusive, quality education within a protective and enabling environment. We have adopted a holistic approach to address the current obstacles in education among the communities we serve through:

    • Psycho-social support to survivors of traumatic experiences in conflict and disaster
    • Special focus on areas where schools are overcrowded with large influx of refugees and IDPs
    • Support to existing schools and capacity building for staff
    • Taking necessary measures, to enhance the quality of teaching and learning
    • Support and promotion for women roles in education
    • Providing nutrition and hygiene services
    • Enhancing the participation of parents and communities in education programs
    • Environmental education


    We believe in a world where health is truly a basic human right. Through our medical centres, we aim to provide concrete access for refugees, IDPs, and the host communities with treatment, prevention, and health management services to cater for their physical and mental health needs.
    We help to improve local health care infrastructure and to empower the communities to take care of their health.
    GRI is continually exploring new opportunities for creative programs that would support more people and save more lives. Due to its humanitarian character, the organization adapts to demands that arise and makes use of available resources to respond to prevailing crisis.


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Address1: Suite 6, Shoel House, Plot 76A, Bombo Road