Location : Email : info@heks.ch
The aid organization of the Protestant Church in Switzerland
Who we are
In over 30 countries on four continents, Swiss Church Aid HEKS/EPER supports development cooperation projects to combat poverty and injustice, and advocates for a life in dignity for all people. In parallel, HEKS/EPER also strives for systemic change through its development work – in Switzerland and worldwide. HEKS/EPER provides humanitarian assistance around the world for victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts and supports the diaconal work of churches in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Through its programmes in Switzerland, HEKS/EPER champions the rights and concerns of both people who are fleeing, and the socially underprivileged. HEKS/EPER projects promote help for self-help, are geared to the needs and resources of those concerned, and are implemented in concert with them. In its projects around the world and in its work of raising awareness around development and social policy topics in Switzerland, HEKS/EPER places the emphasis on the four priorities of climate justice, the right to land and food, flight and migration, and integration.

HEKS@home Portrait
For a life in dignity
As a national organization with its head office in Zurich, HEKS/EPER maintains five Business Offices in German-speaking Switzerland and one in Western Switzerland. HEKS/EPER advocates for a more just world and a life in dignity for all people.

Die Stiftung HEKS - Organisation
The HEKS/EPER Foundation
HEKS/EPER is a non-profit, ZEWO-certified foundation of the Protestant Church in Switzerland (PCS) The relief agency has over 400 permanent employees in Switzerland and abroad.

HEKS in Haiti
Background and facts
Merger of HEKS/EPER and Bread for All
In November 2021, the aid agency of the Protestant Churches in Switzerland (HEKS/EPER) merged with its sister church organization Bread for All to form Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER). The Protestant Church in Switzerland (PCS), the cantonal churches and church parishes are key supporters of the newly formed agency.
The HEKS/EPER Foundation
HEKS became a non-profit foundation in 2004, with its headquarters in Zurich. Its supreme body is the Board of Trustees, which tasks the Executive Board with operational management. The Board is supported by the Heads of the Branch Offices.

Board of Trustees
Executive Board
Heads of Department and Branch Offices
Control Committee
Organization chart
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees comprises 12 members, of whom one is appointed by the Protestant Church in Switzerland (PCS), while the remaining members and the President are elected by the PCS Assembly of Delegates. The term of office is four years. The Board of Trustees ensures that the aims laid out in the Mission Statement and the Constitution of the Foundation are pursued by HEKS/EPER in a sustainable and appropriate manner, and in communion with the PCS and its member churches.
Board of Trustee Members

Executive Board
The HEKS/EPER Executive Board comprises the Offices of the Director and Deputy Director and the Heads of the National, Global Cooperation, Communications & Mobilization and Services Divisions. The Executive Board is responsible for all management-related operational matters that fall outside the purview of the Board of Trustees.

Members of the Management

Heads of Department and Branch Offices
The Departmental Heads and Heads of Branch Offices are assigned to the four managerial divisions, namely the Global Cooperation, National, Communication & Mobilization and Services Divisions. The six Branch Office heads within the National Division are responsible for the programme work in the regions of Aargau/Solothurn, Basel City/Rural Basel, Berne, Eastern Switzerland, Zurich/Schaffhausen and Romandie.

Heads of Department and Branch Offices

HEKS Abteilungs- und Regionalleitungen
HEKS/EPER employs roughly 1200 people altogether in Switzerland and abroad, including some 600 permanent employees. Besides, HEKS/EPER trains commercial apprentices and provides various internships. Numerous people do volunteer work.

HEKS-Mitarbeitende im Gespräch
Control Committee
The Control Committee is appointed by the Board of Trustees. It prepares reports for submission to the Board of Trustees, it raises questions, points to critical issues and makes recommendations. The current members of the Control Committee are: Regula Heinzer Wäspi (president), Beatrice Bänninger, Jean-Luc Blondel, Gilles de Montmollin, Susanne Stamm, Caroline Staub.
Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: info@heks.ch
Contact Phone: 044 360 88 00
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