Holt Uganda
Holt Uganda
Location : Email : Info@holtinternational.org

Uplifting Children, Strengthening Families

We keep families together, care for orphaned and vulnerable children, and help children and families thrive!


You may know us as an adoption agency, but we do much more to help children and families

Since 1956, Holt has served as the leading international adoption agency in the United States. Over our more than 65-year history, we have helped thousands of children join loving, permanent families through adoption. Today, we continue to seek adoptive families for children who truly need them. But first, we strive to help children remain in the loving care of their birth families whenever possible. Around the world, we care for orphaned and vulnerable children, strengthen families at risk of separation and empower families with the support and resources they need to independently care for their children. When placing children through adoption, we first seek for them a family in the country and culture of their birth. For every child and family united through adoption, we provide lifelong support and resources. Always, we strive to ensure a stable, loving home for every child.


What We Do


Strengthening Families to Keep Them Together

We believe that children should grow up in the loving care of their families. That’s why our first priority is always to strengthen and preserve struggling families, whenever possible. Through nutritional, financial, health, education and counseling services, we provide the tools and resources families need to grow stable and self-reliant — enabling them to independently care for their children, and creating a safe, supportive environment for children to grow and thrive. 


Caring for Orphaned & Vulnerable Children

Around the world, we work alongside on-the-ground staff, child welfare experts, Holt-trained foster families and partnering care centers to provide a holistic set of medical, nutritional, educational and psychosocial services tailored to fit each child’s individual needs. For every child, we strive to ensure they receive the attentive, nurturing care they need to grow and develop fully while waiting to rejoin their family, or join a family through adoption.


Uniting Children & Families Through Adoption

When adoption is the best option for a child, we first strive to find an in-country adoptive family — giving the child the opportunity to grow up in the country and culture of their birth. When international adoption is the best route to a stable, loving family, our expert team of social workers and adoption professionals works across the U.S. to find the family best suited to care for the child’s unique needs. 


Supporting Adoptees & Families for Life

Our post adoption services team stands committed to serving all those whose lives have been touched by adoption, including birth parents, adoptive families and adult adoptees. We offer post-adoption counseling, education, support and resources to every child and family joined through adoption, and we continually seek to better understand and address the unique and varied needs of the people we serve. 

Our Vision

A world where every child has a loving, secure home.


Our Mission

Holt International is a Christian organization committed to expressing God’s compassion for children. While always upholding the highest ethical standards, we:

  • Find and support permanent, loving families for children who are orphaned, abandoned or at serious risk of separation from their family
  • Provide services to ensure that children will grow and develop to their fullest potential
  • Lead the global community in advocating on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable children

Our Impact

In 2021, Holt sponsors and donors helped provide direct services to 322,373 children and reach 1,036,117 children, family members and other individuals through Holt programs around the world! Here are some of the specific needs they helped meet:



children and young adults received support to attend school on full or partial scholarships, including resources to study from home or safely at school during the pandemic



children received nutritional support, including emergency food during citywide lockdowns due to COVID-19



children living in orphanages, group homes or foster families received food, clothing, medical care, advocacy and safe places to live



children received support to remain in the loving care of their families, from counseling for families in crisis to microloans and job skills training to help parents earn a stable income



of children who joined adoptive families internationally were older than 5, part of a sibling group or have at least some minor special needs

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