Integrated Community Based Development (ICOBAD)
Integrated Community Based Development (ICOBAD)
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Integrated Community Based Initiatives (ICOBI) is an indigenous non‐governmental, non‐profit making, non‐denominational, charitable organization founded in 1994. The Organization was first registered with the NGO Board of Uganda in 1996 (Reg. No 5914/1562 and Certificate No 1444). ICOBI is governed according to its Constitution, Articles and Memorandum of Association. It has a membership of 490 and an Executive Board composed of 7 people chaired by an Executive Board Chairperson. It has a secretariat consisting currently of full‐time paid employees (71) as well as volunteers (over 130) headed by the Executive Director. The main goal of the organization is the attainment of better standards of living and prosperity for rural people. Our vision is Healthy and Prosperous Families and the mission is to improve the quality of life of people through holistic and sustainable programs that meet the basic human needs of families.

The vision of the 5-year strategic plan is to have sustainable programs that will contribute to health and prosperous families

Mission statement
To develop and implement holistic and sustainable programs that contributes to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

To deliver integrated, holistic and sustainable services to the targeted communities or population

The Strategic Objectives
Over the next five years (2011-2015), ICOBI will implement interventions/activities under broad objectives outlined below;
• To contribute to the reduction of new infections due to HIV, TB and Malaria in supported communities by the year 2015.
• To increase the scale of effective program interventions that reach MVC and their households by the year 2015
• To contribute towards the reduction of mortality rate for women and children during pregnancy and child delivery by the year 2015.
• To empower communities in reducing the current environmental degradation and water shortage through sustainable utilization of land resources and waste disposal management.
• To add to the stock of knowledge and best practices in the social development sector through undertaking operational and scientific research.
• To enhance the capacity of ICOBI, communities and sub-partner agencies to deliver integrated, equitable and quality services by end of five years.


Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 39 3215566
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Address1: Mbarara- Ishaka - Kasese highway, Uganda
Address2: Plot 66, Ismail Road, Mbuya, Kampala, Uganda P.O Box 16331, Kampala, Uganda