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Our Purpose

We believe every person deserves to live with dignity.


Serving Africa is not what we do but who we are, we are African’s serving Africa. Joint Aid Management (JAM) is an African humanitarian aid and development organisation, operating sustainable programmes targeting the most vulnerable children and communities in Africa. We operate on a fully inclusive basis, without discrimination of race, religion, gender, or political persuasion.


Our Story


Founded in 1984 by South-African-born Peter and Ann Pretorius,
JAM is an African, multi-national Non-Profit Organisation.

For more than three decades, we have served the children of Africa, using sustainable interventions in our mission to provide food security,
nutrition, water and sanitation to vulnerable communities in Africa in dignified and sustainable ways. We run a host of programmes in Angola,
Mozambique, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, and Uganda.

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Our Vision

An Africa that thrives.

Our Purpose

To eradicate hunger, poverty, and malnutrition in Africa.

Our Mission

To provide food security, nutrition, water, and sanitation to vulnerable communities in Africa in dignified and sustainable ways.


Our Partners

When we first began, it was in response to a devastating famine in Mozambique that soon saw us assisting hundreds of African communities, through sustainable programmes in the fight for a better future for Africa and her Children. To achieve this we have gained the loyal support of individuals and organisations including churches, non-governmental organisations, local and national governments, local and international corporates, and private donors, to become one of the largest African aid and development organisations.




Company Information
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Contact Phone: +27 (81) 574 9309
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Address1: JAM UGANDA 3 Harrington, Kent Drive, Muyenga, Kampala
Address2: JUBA CITY JAM SOUTH SUDAN Fourth Floor, UAP Equatoria Tower, Nimra Talata, Hai Neem, Juba, South S