Kingdom City Group (KCG)
Kingdom City Group (KCG)
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Kingdom City Group (KCG) does real Investment Management and is a Holding company comprising of 3000 companies covering 17 Sectors of: Governance; Financial Services; Technology (ICT); Health Care; Agriculture, Manufacturing & Mining; Real Estate & Construction; Education; Entertainment & Recreation; Transport & Logistics; Energy; Beauty & Fashion; Games & Sports; Media; Youth & Women & Spirituality.

KCG is arguably the world’s most comprehensive one stop centre created to end Poverty, Protect the Planet so that all People enjoy Peace and Prosperity (PPPPPP). The Creator, Bishop Dr. Julius Peter Oyet says,

Africa is suffering from Transgenerational Transmitted Poverty (TTP) and the best vaccine is Transgenerational Thinking (TT)


Make Tomorrow So Big That Yesterday Dies!


The Best People 


Where The Best Gets Better

Core Values:

The Model Centre For Quality Entrepreneurial Opportunities


Kingdom City Group (KCG) is open for business and ready to work with serious Development Partners, Funder, Donors & Associates. Upon request we shall avail our Engagement Plans, Strategic Alliance and Project Proposals and Frameworks. We strongly believe that Poverty and limitation can only enjoy their permanent existence as long as we give them free accommodation is our minds. Dr. Julius Peter Oyet

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256 705 717 444
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