Leo Africa Institute
Leo Africa Institute

The Great Lakes Youth Network for Dialogue and Peace is a consortium of 6 non-governmental organizations: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany), Pole Institute (DRC), Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle (Rwanda), Cornerstone Development Africa & LéO Africa Institute (Uganda), and Actions for Democracy and Local Governance (Tanzania).

The project aims to contribute to peace and stability in the Great Lakes Region by promoting the active, cooperative, sustainable and positive role of youth actions, creating a strong network between them.

We shall work with local youth groups and initiatives based in Central and Western Uganda that are committed to peace in the Great Lakes Region and are active in one or more of the following fields: gender equality, environment (including natural resources) and climate change, political representation, democracy and good governance, land and inheritance, economic stability and employment, media, education, culture and religion and forced migration.

“Great Lakes Youth Network for Dialogue and Peace. Our Diversity – our Opportunity!” is co-funded by the European Union (EU) and the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Our Response

Since December 2019, the world has been beset by the global corona virus pandemic. To date, there are an estimated 3 million confirmed cases of the disease and 200,000 deaths.

While the economic impact of the covid19 cannot be overstated—according to a recent McKinsey Africa report, Africa’s GDP growth in 2020 will contract by between three to eight percentage points—the responses by African governments have been more focused on containment: suspension of business activity, public transport, and in some cases total lockdown and curfews.

Through the “Covid-19 Reset” project, the LéO Africa Institute seeks to push more forward-looking interventions that go beyond containment of the pandemic, to discussions about a post-covid19 future and how our communities can best prepare for a fast, and sustainable recovery.

A global recession, not to mention potential political and economic fallouts, an unpredictable era of international relations all suggest that regional governments and societies need to invest heavily in understanding what comes next after the pandemic.

The focus of the project will be to galvanize leadership action within and beyond the Institute network, and redirect it to imagine a new, progressive post-covid world for our respective communities and countries.

Building capacity of our fellows in 8 East African countries to effectively respond

Leveraging the Institute’s 67 fellows in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Zambia and D.R. Congo, we are ramping up efforts to mobilize fellows (especially frontline health workers) within the network to respond more effectively to the crisis in their respective countries by availing to them the necessary knowledge resources and tools within our network that can be utilized to promote public awareness.

This will be done through curated virtual conversations over platforms like Zoom that allow fellows to share information with both the network and wider public.

Conversations such as these, while initially focused on the pandemic and raising public awareness, also aim at pushing fellows—already thought leaders in their communities—to reimagine a post-covid future for their communities and what potential collaborations within and outside the network will ensure our society’s recovery is fast and that the lessons learned during this crisis do not go to waste. The Institute believes leadership is essential to full recovery and that fellows should constantly examine their role and contribution.

Are you a young and emerging leader? Do you have a hunger and thirst to better the state of Africa’s affairs?

Are you looking for likeminded people to stir you into the direction of your passions as a leader, a professional, an advocate for change and a creative thinker?

The LéO Africa Institute provides a platform to directly engage and work with young people in Uganda and the rest of East Africa. You will have the opportunity to work on exciting projects with our Fellows, Alumni and Faculty who constitute a critical network of thought leaders committed to Africa’s transformation.

Our efforts are rooted in the belief that young people hold the very power required to change Africa’s narrative from good to best, and great to greatest. Who better than young people to leverage today’s promise of societal advancement through use of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship?

If you are the kind of young person that shares this belief and would love to join our team of change makers for short term work, you can apply for our internship program.

To Apply:

Please email a cover letter and résumé to communications@leoafricainstitute.org with “Internship Application” in the subject line.

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Contact Email: communications@leoafricainstitute.org
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Address1: 73a Mutesa II Rd, Kampala, Uganda