MSI Reproductive Choices
MSI Reproductive Choices
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Our services
For over 40 years, MSI Reproductive Choices has been providing the healthcare services that enable people to make the reproductive choices that are right for them.

We are motivated by the belief that everyone should have the right to determine their own future.

From a choice of contraceptive or safe abortion method, to the provision of skilled obstetric care to mothers in our maternity centres, we provide safe, supportive, and stigma-free sexual and reproductive healthcare services.

Across the 37 countries in which we operate, our network of over 9,000 team members go wherever they’re needed to deliver our services to 35,000 people every single day. The services they offer depend on the country they’re operating in, but our core provision is contraception and comprehensive abortion care, providing abortion where legally permitted and life-saving post-abortion care.

We provide a full range of contraception so that every woman we meet can choose the method that is right for her.


Comprehensive abortion care
Providing access to safe abortion and post-abortion care is at the core of our mission.


Our vision for the future is bold.
By 2030, no abortion will be unsafe and everyone who wants access to contraception will have it.

Building a more gender-equal world with reproductive choice

Reproductive choice is the foundation upon which equality is based

For a fairer future and a more equal world, we need to support girls and young women to access an education and choose the paths their lives take. At MSI, we work to make sure all women and girls have the reproductive choice to do so.

Choice supports girls to stay in school
The benefits of supporting girls to stay in school are far-reaching. When girls can access an education, they are better able to pursue a career, create opportunities in their communities, and drive positive change in wider societies.

Just one more year of school can increase a woman’s earnings by up to 20%. By helping to reduce the gender pay gap, this has the potential of boosting global GDP by $28 trillion by 2025. But girls need access to reproductive choice to get there.

Choice supports women to lead
Women who have access to quality education and reproductive choice are better prepared to lead and help build a more equal, sustainable world.

In public life, women are more likely to make decisions that benefit family and community life, for example, on improving education and social services. While organisations led by women are more likely to be focused on sustainability, for example, combatting the climate crisis.

“Every girl has her life to live and we are choosing to take our destiny in our hands. My mother dropped out of school at age 19 and my two aunties did the same. My ambition is to go to university and achieve my dream of becoming a lawyer. But I have to protect myself to see my dream come true.”

Blessing, a teenage girl in Nigeria​

What role does reproductive choice play in supporting girls and their education?
“I grew up in a rural community where teenage pregnancy and early motherhood were normal. We never had any education on reproductive health and rights, and as a result I had friends who died from unsafe abortion. It wasn’t until university that I learnt about contraception and safe abortion. During my first year, I couldn't help but wonder, if my classmates had this information, if my own family members had this information, I probably wouldn't have been the only one who attended university.”

Esi Asare Prah, Youth Focal Person and Advocacy Officer for MSI in Ghana

Providing reproductive healthcare to young people in Senegal
Aisha* is a young Senegalese woman in her late teens. She lives in a coastal town in the north of the country, and when we spoke to her, she was just about to finish her final year of school.

Having seen many of her peers drop out of school due to unintended pregnancies, Aisha wanted a different future. That's why she came to MSI, where a caring healthcare provider helped her pick the method of contraception that worked for her.

Unplanned teenage pregnancy robs girls of their education
We have a long path ahead of us before every girl has access to a high-quality education and reproductive choice.

In Niger, 1 in 2 girls will give birth before their 18th birthday, while only 1 in 100 will finish secondary school. Across many of the countries that MSI works in, teenage girls are almost twice as likely to want access to contraception, but not yet have it.

This lack of choice leads to unintended pregnancies, forcing girls to drop out of school, robbing them of their education, and in some cases, their health and lives.

At MSI Reproductive Choices, we are working towards a world where every woman and girl has access to the reproductive choice they need to stay in school, to lead, and to build a more equal world for all.

Since launching our adolescent strategy in 2017, we have provided over 4 million adolescents with the reproductive choice they need to pursue their own futures. Now, we need to work in partnership to make this a reality for everyone.

A fairer future is within reach, we need your support to get there.

What you can do to support
Reproductive choice changes lives. Together, we can make choice possible for women and girls, giving them what they need to thrive.

Donate to help girls stay in school
When girls complete their education, they unlock a world of opportunity. They can pursue a career, break the cycle of poverty and build a more gender-equal, sustainable world.


Stay informed
Keep up to date with all things related to reproductive choice and rights. Sign up to our newsletter and join our community of reproductive rights advocates.


Partner with us
Whether you give time, money, or expertise, your investment could benefit women and families for generations to come. Want to join our vision and help us make choice a reality for everyone?


Our approach
We keep our clients at the centre of everything we do.

At MSI Reproductive Choices we don’t do one-size fits all.

We keep our clients at the centre of everything we do - striving to understand their unique challenges, and tailoring our services and approach accordingly.

Outreach is our most effective way of reaching people who don’t have access to contraception. We will drive, fly, sail or trek to rural and remote communities lacking reproductive health services.


MSI has grown from owning a single centre in central London to operating a network of around 400 centres worldwide.


MSI Ladies
MSI Ladies are mobile midwives, working in the community or visiting clients at home. They help us reach women and young girls with discreet and flexible services.


Public Sector Strengthening
At MSI, we are partnering with the public sector to build capacity and embed quality assurance mechanisms, working towards national ownership of comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare.


Social marketing
We distribute our own brand of high quality and affordable condoms, contraceptive pills and other contraceptive products through pharmacies, community-based distributors and other private providers.


Social franchising
We partner with existing private health providers who can deliver high quality contraception and safe abortion services with our support, helping us to increase access and choice for women.


Advocating for change
We work with partners and governments to strengthen health systems and influence policy, ensuring people have sustainable access to vital services - even if we aren’t the ones delivering them.


Company Information
Contact Name: MSI Reproductive Choices
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: (+256) 414 510 516
Contact Fax: (+256) 0800 220 333
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Address1: Marie Stopes UG Plot No. 1020, Kisugu-Muyenga PO Box 10431 Kampala Uganda