Mental Health Uganda
Mental Health Uganda
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Just believe

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.

Our mission is “to create a unified voice that influences the provision of required services and opportunities, in favor of people with and survivors of mental illness in Uganda”

We are an indigenous, Non- Government, membership-based Disabled People’s Organization, established in 1997 and formally registered as a National NGO in 2001.This was in response to the overwhelming marginalization, isolation and abuse of rights of persons with psycho-social disabilities/users of psychiatry services, and their families.

in recognition of the high level of ignorance on disability  issues MHU engages in collection, repackaging, documentation and dissemination of information pertaining to disability and development. for example MHU makes periodic publications highlighting their PLWMLs specific needs and challenges. these are disseminated to both MHU members, the community in which they live as well as policy makers and implementers. these are intended to raise awareness, provide information and facts pertaining to the situation of PLWMLs is Uganda.

this has the ability to later elicit required support and responses needed to meet MHU mission and objectives.

Company Information
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Contact Phone: 0392178953 , 0800212121
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Address1: Lungujja ,Makamba Zone,Cell 15, House 58