Mid-western umbrella of water and Sanitation ( mwUws )
Mid-western umbrella of water and Sanitation ( mwUws )
Location : Email : mwuwsdwd@yahoo.com

Mid-Western Umbrella of Water and Sanitation Authority (mwUws) is a public water utility company operating and
managing various piped water supply systems in Mid-Western region of Uganda. The creation of Umbrella organizations
is an initiative of the Directorate of Water Development (DWD) under Urban Water Department in the Ministry of Water
and Environment (MoW&E) as a strategy for ensuring that schemes completed are sustainably managed. There are six
umbrella organizations in the country namely Mid West, East, Central, South West, North and Karamoja.

Umbrella organizations are legally constituted as a Company Limited by guarantee with the Registrar of Companies
under the Companies Act CAP 110. Currently Umbrella organizations are administered by the Ministry of Water and
Environment under the Directorate of Water Development. With re-organization of Umbrella organizations to a Public
Water Utility mode of management on board by MoW&E; Mid Western Umbrella of Water and Sanitation (mwUws) is
ensuring increased water coverage, quality service delivery to communities and sustainability of the constructed piped
water systems in mid western region. But this requires increased funding from GoU/MoW&E to be realized. A number of
towns were gazetted by the Minister to mwUws to manage; after a list of towns was submitted by mwUws to the Ministry
for gazetting majorly basing on the high demand for service improvement and increased water supply. mwUws
operates in 13 districts plus other three newly created districts to make a total of 15 districts with 65 gazetted towns as

1. Kyenjojo district - Kaihura, Kyarusozi
Butiti, Mukunyu, Rugombe, Kyamutunzi, Kanyegaramire, Katooke
2. Kagadi district - Mabaale,
Muhorro-Kagadi, Ndaiga
3. Hoima district - Kinogozi, Buhimba,
Kigorobya, Bulyango, Butema
Kikuube district - Kabwoya
5. Kabarole district - Kasenda, Rweihamba,
Bunyangabu district - Buheesi, Pohe
Kakumiro district - Kakumiro
8. Bundibugyo district - Nyahuka,
Bundibugyo, Ntandi, Ngite pickfare, Ngite-Butogo
9. Kamwenge district - Mahyoro, Kayinja, Biguli Kirinda, Malere, Businge-Rwebishahi, Kabale-Keishuga,
Kigoto, Kanyanseko, Nyabitooma,
Bitojo-Byantumo, Nganiko, Rwentuha,


“Pay as you fetch for sustainability of piped water systems”
10. Mubende district - Kasambya,
Kassanda district - Kassanda, Bukuya
12. Kibaale district - Nyamarunda,
Kibaale, Kyakatwanga-Nyamarwa
13. Kyegegwa district -
Kitaleesa, Mpara- Kyegegwa, Kakabara, Kazinga
Ntoroko district - Karugutu- Kithoma, Rwebisengo
15. Kasese district - Kitabu, Muhokya, Karalike, Katunguru, Hamukungu


Our Vision: To be the leading provider of water and sanitation services in Uganda.

Our Mission: To provide and support the delivery of high quality, reliable and affordable water and sanitation
services in Uganda.





Team work

Self driven


“Pay as you fetch for sustainability of piped water systems”
Relationship with the Water & Sanitation Committee (WSC):

mwUws works closely with the WSC as an entry point to the communities. The water and sanitation committee
at scheme level comprises of five (5) members appointed by the relevant local government. It is responsible for
scheme based issues and is facilitated by the Umbrella organization up to 5% of the revenue collected from the
scheme whenever it is deemed necessary.

The WSC advocates for services to the community for instance need for extensions/connections.

They provide feedback on the quality of service i.e. illegal connections, water quality, leakages, and service

It supports the Authority in land acquisition for development of new structures e.g. production well, pump
house etc.

The WSC reports community grievances to the Authority for rectification.

Management model: Two models are being used in the management of water supply systems currently;

Private Operator who is a company

Scheme Operators/Branch Managers who are individuals

Other staff employed by the Authority that include plumbers, guards and source care takers to ease
scheme operations.

The Manager mwUws receiving tools &
equipment for management of Kainja
town from the Manager WSDF-SW

Drilling of a production borehole in Bukuya town, Mubende district in order to boost water
supply in the area

“Pay as you fetch for sustainability of piped water systems”
Tariff Determination and setting

The water tariffs are generated based on the cost of scheme maintenance versus the income realized from the
system. The size of the system and population served are also vital when determining the tariff. The higher the
population served the lower the tariff and vice-versa. These water tariffs range from 1,000/= to 2,500/= for
gravity flow schemes and 3,500 t0 4,000/= for pumping systems. This is inclusive of ezee money charges and
18% VAT. However there is a proposal to categorize tariffs according to different water users i.e. commercial,
domestic and institution. For any tariff to be effective the beneficiary communities are involved in its
determination and setting before use.

Consumer Connections made

Achieved Remarks
Extensions/connections made

All gazetted towns that were taken over for


Metering (new installations)
476 meters Kitalesa, Biguli, Nyabitoma, Kicwamba, Bundibugyo (4

Replacement of old meters
200 meters Kasambya, Kibaale, Mabaale, Rweihamba, Kasenda,
Rwebisengo, Kitalesa.

Installation of solar system on one of
pump stations in Biguli-Kirinda town,
Kamwenge district

Launch of an extension by the Woman MP, Hon. Baguma
Spellanza in Buhaza village, Kyarusozi Town Council,
Kyenjojo district

Commissioning of a solar system by the MP
Kyaka North Constituency Hon. Asaba Paul, in
Kitalesa town


“Pay as you fetch for sustainability of piped water systems”
Progress update on management of all towns in the operation area

holders consultations and meetings Held in all the operational gazetted schemes (1st & 2nd gazette, three (3)
from the 3rd gazette).

500 ( 300 New connections, 200 replacement of faulty connections)
Repairs and replacements
Repaired 7 generators, replaced 2 motors in Kasambya, Kibaale,
Mabaale, Rweihamba, Kasenda, Rwebisengo, Kitalesa.

Installation of billing software
Installed on 10 systems
Installation of
the cashless system of
payment using
ezee money
Distributed 35 terminals

Personnel capacities
29 Branch managers, 2 cashiers and 38 plumbers recruited, trained and
deployed in all
gazetted towns that were taken over for management.
Sign posts installed at all offices of the schemes, renovation/painting was
, staff IDs, overcoats and overalls provided.
Provision of computers
Purchased computers for 12 towns
Provision of motorcycles to schemes
Provided motorcycles 13 towns
Received pipes from MWE
29kms pipe line being used for extensions in Biguli (8kms), Kyarusozi
(5.5kms), Mahyoro (1.2kms), and Rugombe (1km), Kaihura (900m)
Replacement of sand in the

Filtration units for kibaale worked on.

Installation of chlorination units
Chlorination units for Karugutu , Rwebisengo, Kicwamba and Butiiti were


“Pay as you fetch for sustainability of piped water systems”
Installation of a toll free line
Payments made to MTN, installation of the toll free line will be done soon.
Siting & drilling of production boreholes
2 production wells sited & drilled in Kigorobya , 1 in Bukuya and 1 in

Carried out
hydro geological survey Towns Kaihura, Rugombe, Bukuya & Kigorobya were surveyed.
Installation of solar systems
4 systems in Biguli (Biguli-Kirinda, Rwebishahi, Malere, Kabale) Kitalesa
Cleaning of filtration chambers in Nyahuka
to ensure supply of safe & clean water to
the consumers

Extension of water in Mabaale town
Extension of water in Buheesi town

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email: mwuwsdwd@yahoo.com
Contact Phone: 0483-427817
Contact Fax:
Since :
Company Size: