Mountains of the Moon University
Mountains of the Moon University
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The idea for starting a University in Central Western Uganda was mooted by the indigenous Community members from the region led by Hon. Justice Seth Manyindo, Prof. Edward B. Rugumayo and the Rev. Albert Byaruhanga (RIP) among others.

They volunteered to establish a quality University where it had lacked for a longtime. The peoples from the ten Districts of Bundibugyo, Kabarole, Kamwenge, Kitagwenda Bunyangabu, Kasese, Kyegegwa, Kyenjojo, Ntoroko and Fort Portal Tourism City which constitute the Central Western Uganda fully supported the University idea and participated in the preparations for its establishment and even pledged sustained support. The ten districts currently form the main regional catchment area of the University plus the greater portion of the western rift valley. The University serves a regional human population of over 3.7m people which is expanding at the rate of 4.8% per annum. The University strategic location in the City of Fort Portal was aimed at easing access to meeting the Education, research and community service needs of the people in Central Western Uganda and beyond. The University was founded through a legal status as a Company Limited by Guarantee in June 2002. Mountains of the Moon University was transformed from a Private Chartered University to a Public University under a Statutory Instrument (SI) No. 2 of 14th January 2022 under the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act of 2001 (as amended) with well Accredited academic Programmes and established facilities. The University is located in Fort Portal Tourism City.

Our Vision
Being a center of Excellence in Teaching, Research and Community engagement.

Our Mission
To produce outstanding, well rounded, morally upright and innovative graduates with a knowledge base for making positive impacts on the community

Our Objectives
Provide quality teaching and learning that is relevant and competitive.
Offer courses that address the needs of the local, national and international community.
Promote research for the socio economic and political development of the country.
Our Core Values
Hard work and professionalism
Respect and Institutional Loyalty
Transparency and Accountability
Team work and Innovativeness
Sensitive to EnvironmentDirectorate of ICT
The directorate of ICT was established in January 2015 as part of the effort to make MMU’s more ICT responsive and ready. This was one of the recommendations that was made by the ICT review committee which was put in place by the Top University Management.

Directorate Vision
To provide better ICT services in the whole University

Directorate Mission
To improve quality of ICT service in the Mountains of the Moon University and the community around it

The Core Objective of the Directorate
To ensure sustainability of MMU ICT

Other Objectives

To ensure responsiveness to user needs to the university that is increasingly dependent on ICT
To ensure competent management of the entire ICT infrastructure up to the user stations.
To Identify, specify, implement and support information systems for various University functions and needs.
To ensure that the network grade and quality of service meet performance targets.
To promote research and creating awareness through online resources.
To Promote ICT services in the Rwenzori region and beyond.
” ICT infrastructure is seen as one of the greatest enablers to positive change in the world today; The way of teaching, administrative and research functions are being carried out at the universities has changed; We present to you the Directorate as a department mandated with planning, managing and maintaining the ICT infrastructure at MMU”
Information and Computing services are available throughout the university. Students and staff alike have access to computing facilities via a managed computer network. The directorate is charged with the duty of planning, implementing and maintaining the university infrastructure.

The Directorate provides and sustains effective and reliable data networking infrastructure which provides network connectivity between buildings within the university in addition to connection to wireless networking around the campus.
The directorate provides the University with a reliable, supportable and maintainable ICT service. The services include consistent and cost-effective access to the central University networked teaching, learning and corporate systems, services and resources required by University staff & students for their University business.The department is concerned with the human resource in the University.

To be a Centre of Excellency in Recruiting, Developing, Maintaining and Retaining Competent University Employees.

To ensure that Mountains of the Moon University obtains, develops, maintains and retains well motivated workforce.

To recruit competent and committed employees
To ensure appropriate training and staff development
To promote appropriate reward and compensation systems in the university
To promote staff welfare
To ensure respect for employees rights
To ensure respect for employers rights.Marketing and Public Relations
Welcome to the Marketing and Public Relations Office.
Our Mission.
To develop marketing and communications strategies in cooperation with appropriate University Schools and departments to increase enrollment, fundraising and brand awareness among targeted audiences.

Our Roles.
The Office works to bring increased visibility and brand awareness/ recognition to Mountains of the Moon University as both a leader in higher education throughout the Ruwenzori Region and as a University dedicated to academic excellence in East African region and beyond.

Doing so requires communicating effectively and regularly with the institution’s major stakeholders, including alumni, current and prospective students, parents, employers, faculty and staff, higher education audiences, friends of the University, local, state and regional representatives, media and the community.

Our department promotes the University across a wide range of both local and International media. We offer Marketing and Public Relations services to the University and support various University Marketing and Communication programmes through advertising, publications, websites management, photography etc.

The office also leads the Corporate Marketing function and works in partnership with the Marketing activities of departments and Schools by providing professional advice, guidance, co-ordination and Marketing services.

We also study the customers’ needs and wants in a well defined market segment and allocate Marketing effort in relation to the long run objectives of Mountains of the Moon University in the targeted segments and thereafter develop winning offering for each target segment.

Marketing and PR department provides a professional advisory function to inform the University on Student market segmentation and market penetration strategies. We continuously gather and evaluate new products/services, new product/service improvements to meet customer needs.

Through a university-wide Public Relations effort focused on honest, open and consistent communication, Marketing Communications and Public Relations provides the leadership needed to help the University create and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with individuals and organizations vital to the University’s growth and development.
The Office also brings Public Relations perspectives and strategies into University decision-making and planning. It provides leadership, expertise and services that enhance the quality and effectiveness of the University’s communications projects and programs. It protects, reinforces and elevates the University’s reputation and builds public understanding of its distinctive qualities and the value, importance and impact of its work.

We also strive to improve our individual abilities by seeking professional development and researching best practices that help us meet the quickly evolving needs and interests of the community.

How to contact us.
Edison Kadoma R.A MCIM; B.Com (Marketing); MBA (Marketing), PGDip Marketing (CIM – UK)
Marketing and Public Relations Manager.

+256 772/701 403 562.
+256 483 660 390

Company Information
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Contact Phone: +256(0)483660390
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Address1: Office of the Registrar Academics P.O. Box 837, Fort Portal