Nyakayojo Peoples Co-operative Savings and Credit Society Ltd
Nyakayojo Peoples Co-operative Savings and Credit Society Ltd
Location : Email : info@nyakayojosacco.co.ug


Nyakayojo peoples Sacco is a member owned, member controlled and member governed tier 4 micro finance institution.
It was formed in 2001 and fully registered under the cooperative statute in 2004 with a registration certificate number 7093.

It operates 2 branches with headquarters at 7km from Mbarara town along Mbarara- Kabale road adjacent to Nyakayojo Division Headquarters .The rest of the branches are located in Ruti trading center along mbarara- kabale road and Kicwamba branch along Mbarara- Mwizi Road.

It owes its existence from a group of people especially farmers with social economic development skills who realized that a lot of people in Nyakayojo sub county and the surrounding areas were marginalized in various aspects of life yet they had potential to improve their livelihood if empowered socially and economically, currently the Sacco serves over 6000 members in offering savings and credit services and operates in districts of Mbarara, Rwampara, Isingiro, Ntungamo and Sheema.

Company Information
Contact Name: Nyakayojo Peoples Co-operative Savings and Credit Society Ltd
Contact Email: info@nyakayojosacco.co.ug
Contact Phone: +256 392 174 302
Contact Fax:
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