Partners for Community Health and Development Organisation ( PACHEDO )
Partners for Community Health and Development Organisation ( PACHEDO )
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Donate to give food, provide micro nutrients and protein rich foods, Promote recommended infant and young child feeding and care practices, provide Sanitation and hygiene supplies to pregnant, lactating women and children under five 5 years (PLWCU5) in high risk COVID-19 profile districts of Amuru, Lamwo,Moyo, Moroto and insigiro
July 1, 2020 - by James Ocana - Leave a Comment
Cooking the way out of malnutrition with Amuru Nutrition Improvement Project (ANIP)
November 4, 2019 - by Boniface - Leave a Comment
PACHEDO’s Tippy Tap Keeping Us Healthy #Globalhandwashingday
October 15, 2019 - by Boniface - Leave a Comment
Participation in UWASNET Regional Election
October 14, 2019 - by Boniface - Leave a Comment
Sanitation Week and World Water Day celebrations 2019 in Gulu
April 1, 2019 - by Boniface - Leave a Comment

PACHEDO is a Ugandan National Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established in 2007. We operate in 12 districts of Northern Uganda and our head office is located in Gulu.

Our aim is to support communities to live a dignified, healthy, and productive life, where they can meet their basic needs and are empowered to demand for their rights.

To learn more about PACHEDO, continue here.

Donate to give food, provide micro nutrients and protein rich foods, Promote recommended infant and young child feeding and care practices, provide Sanitation and hygiene supplies to pregnant, lactating women and children under five 5 years (PLWCU5) in high risk COVID-19 profile districts of Amuru, Lamwo,Moyo, Moroto and insigiro
Cooking the way out of malnutrition with Amuru Nutrition Improvement Project (ANIP)
PACHEDO’s Tippy Tap Keeping Us Healthy #Globalhandwashingday
Participation in UWASNET Regional Election
Sanitation Week and World Water Day celebrations 2019 in Gulu
PACHEDO awarded 2nd place in “Neptun Water Competition”

ANIP – Amuru Nutrition Improvement Project

Project period: 2017-2020

Nr. of beneficiaries: 5,600 households

Project area: Pabbo sub-county (Amuru district)

Funded by: Eleanor Crook Foundation

Coordinated and supervised by: Eleanor Crook Foundation, GOAL

Goals and objectives:
Goal: Contribute to improved nutritional status among children under two years and Pregnant and Lactating women in Pabbo Sub County, Amuru District.

Objective 1: Improved IYCF, WASH practices and linkages to nutrition related health facility services.

Objective 2: Improved consumption of micronutrient and protein rich foods.

Objective 3: Strengthened nutrition governance (enabling environment)

WASH up project
The project is focused on improving the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) situation for children and youth in 24 primary, secondary and vocational schools and in the communities surrounding these schools.

Project period: 2016-2018

Nr. of beneficiaries: 18,000 (8,400 students and 9,600 community members)

Project area: Awach; Bungatira; Pece Division in Gulu district and Bala in Kole district

Funded by: Dreikönigsaktion and City of Vienna

Coordinated and supervised by: HORIZONT3000

Project objectives:
Goal: To contribute to a WASH friendly environment in Schools and associated HHs of the project target districts through children and youth as agents of change by 2018.

Objective 1: To enhance awareness that will promote positive Water chain, Sanitation and hygiene behaviors for improved School retention and child health among 8,400 School going Children and youths in the 24 project target Schools by the end of the project.

Objective 2: To build the capacity of the school management structures and households to improve the water and sanitation infrastructure in the 24 project target schools by the end of 2018.

Objective 3: To advocate and lobby with the government systems to monitor, prioritize and expand the WASH services in the 4 project target sub counties by the end of 2018

The project has three components:
Awareness raising
Campaign on hand washing with soap; basic sanitation (Safe excreta disposal and waste management); Menstrual Hygiene Management and safe water chain
Capacity building and infrastructure improvement
The project develops the knowledge and skills of handpump mechanics to address gaps in O&M (Operation and Maintenance) of WASH facilities. This is also a livelihood strategy as the trained
mechanics are able to gain income by repairing handpumps in the area. To provide the children
with adequate infrastructure which enables behavior change the project rehabilitates school WASH infrastructure.
Consultancy and Lobbying
This focused at the formation of synergies with key WASH sector stakeholders (e.g. local government extension team, local leaders, community members etc.) to create a WASH friendly community. Key activities are community assemblies and facilitating a dialogue between the local population and the district officials. Through this component, PACHEDO strengthens the rights of the communities and increases the demand for WASH services.
Latest posts about the WASH up project
PACHEDO awarded 2nd place in “Neptun Water Competition”
Infrastructure Improvements at Layibi Central PS
Hand Pump Mechanic Training Bala
Teacher Training in Bungatira
Pece Teacher Training
Teacher Training in Awach
PACHEDO hands over dustbins

Skills Development Facility

Key facts
Project period: 2018–2019
Nr. of beneficiaries: 125 farmers and 15 machine operators / owners
Project area: Bungatira, Gulu district
Funded by: Private Sector Foundation
Supervised by: Private Sector Foundation

Project objectives
Goal: To improve skills for small holder farmers and Agro Processors in quality maize and rice production processing for business employable skills.

Objective 1: To build the capacity of small holder farmers in modern farming for commercial gains.

Objective 2: To build the capacity of Agro machine operators and proprietors in value addition.

Objective 3: To build the capacity of Local mechanics for increased access to vocational skills development.

Key facts:
Project period: 2018–
Nr. of beneficiaries: 500 direct beneficiaries, 4,000 indirect beneficiaries (community members)
Project area: Bungatira Sub–county (Gulu district)
Funded by: OXFAM
Coordinated and supervised by: OXFAM

Project objectives:
Goal: To contribute to improved access to productive resources (land, finance and water) and employment opportunities by women in Bungatira sub–county, Gulu district.

Objective 1: To increase knowledge of 4000 disadvantaged women and other community members about women rights to productive resources (land, finances and employment), available legal instruments and the role of the state and various stake holders in defending women against all forms of exploitation, abuse and violence in Bungatira Sub–county by the end of 2018.

Objective 2: To build the capacity of 16 Women Rights Advocacy Groups (WRAG) on life skills and transformative leadership to be able to provide peer to peer rights and policy awareness and community engagements.

Objective 3: To empower 500 women with employable business and apprenticeship skills to engage in productive livelihood activities and fight against stigma and discrimination.
Company Information
Contact Name:
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Contact Phone: +256 393228666
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Address1: Plot 7, Francis Engunyu Road, Madhvan Ward, Pece Division, Gulu Municipality